Urban growth and greening goals for sustainable development

Carolina Salvo

Urban growth and greening goals for sustainable development

The volume addresses the complex relationship between urban growth and urban greening processes. The analyses and experiments conducted within the volume highlight the need for flexible, innovative and integrated approaches that adequately address the decision-making processes of urban and territorial planning to achieve sustainable development.

Pages: 224

ISBN: 9788835158202

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 1862.238

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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As part of the transformation and qualifying processes of cities and territories, considering the challenges posed by climate change and the ecological transition in progress, the need to define new methods for sustainable urban planning capable of analyzing, evaluating, and managing the complex relationship between urban growth and greening processes to guarantee adequate levels of urban liveability and sustainability has emerged in an increasingly evident way.
The volume deals with the complex relationship between urban growth and urban greening processes. After the analysis of the state-of-the-art on the topics of urban growth and greening processes and the innovative methods and tools employed in urban planning to pursue this purpose, an innovative methodological approach based on innovative information technologies and advanced geospatial analysis techniques for assessing and managing urban growth and greening processes is defined. The proposed methodological approach is applied to specific case studies demonstrating that this approach can be employed by planners to make informed decisions regarding the evaluation and management of urban growth and greening processes to make these processes truly sustainable.
The analyses and experiments led within the volume bring out the need for flexible, innovative, and integrated approaches that appropriately direct the urban and territorial planning decision-making processes for achieving sustainable development.

Carolina Salvo, civil engineer and Ph.D. student in urban planning at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Calabria, carries out her research on sustainable urban planning, the techniques and tools for urban and territorial planning, and the use of information technologies in urban and territorial planning processes.

Mauro Francini and Simona Tondelli, Presentation
New and consolidated practices to assess the relationship between urban growth and greening goals
(Urban growth and greening goals: concepts and definitions; Frameworks and tools to manage the "complex" relation-ship between urban growth and greening goals)
The role of innovative methodologies and tools for sustainable urban planning
(Innovative methodologies to support sustainable urban planning. A systematic literature review on the combined use of Artificial Intelligence and Geographic Information Systems; Innovative tools to manage sustainable urban planning: web-based Geographic Information Systems (WebGIS))
An innovative methodological approach to assess and manage urban growth and greening goals
(Methodology overview; Assessing the co-relation between urban growth, greening goals, and population dynamics; Identifying the potentiality of urban areas for dense urban growth and/or greening goals; Implementing a WebGIS platform prototype for urban growth and greening goals assessment and management)
Testing and validating the innovative methodological ap- proach to assess and manage urban growth and greening goals
(The assessment of the co-relation between urban growth, greening goals, and population dynamics; The identification of potentiality for dense urban growth and/or greening goals; The WebGIS prototype for urban growth and greening goals assessment and management)
List of figures
List of tables

Contributors: Mauro Francini, Simona Tondelli

Serie: Urbanistica

Subjects: Urban Planning and Territorial Planning

Level: Scholarly Research

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