Waste Recovery.

A cura di: Luciano Morselli, Fabrizio Passarini, Ivano Vassura

Waste Recovery.

Strategies, techniques and applications in Europe

The volume deals different aspects related to waste management, as: management strategies; regulations and law definitions; ecodesign of products; technologies for material recovery; technologies for energy recovery; assessment of impacts from different treatment and disposal processes; economical considerations; case studies.

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856810400

Edition: 1a edizione 2009

Publisher code: 1810.1.39

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856819731

Edizione:1a edizione 2009

Publisher code: 1810.1.39

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The volume contains the main lectures of the Erasmus Intensive Programme "SAMWARE: Strategies, Application and Methodologies of Waste Recovery", proposed by a partnership of 7 European Universities: Univ. of Bologna (Italy), Technical Univ. of Braunschweig (Germany); "Rey Juan Carlos" of Madrid (Spain); Catholic Univ. of Leuven (Belgium); "Dunarea De Jos" of Galati (Romania); Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italia); Univ. of Economics and Business Administration of Vienna (Austria).
Different aspects related to waste management are treated, as: management strategies; regulations and law definitions; ecodesign of products; technologies for material recovery (composting and recycling of different waste types); technologies for energy recovery; assessment of impacts from different treatment and disposal processes; economical considerations; case studies.
This book can be a useful review for students, researchers, technicians, administrators and other people dealing with or interested in waste management issue.

Authors teach and work at the Industrial Chemistry Faculty of Alma Mater Studiorum - Bologna University (Rimini Branch) in the field of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry.

Luciano Morselli is Full Professor and President of the 1st Level Degree Course in "Chemical Technologies for Environment and Waste Management". Leader of many research projects in the same field, he is author of more than 100 scientific papers published on national and international journals. He edited many scientific volumes and many proceedings of Italian and International Congresses and Fairs.
Fabrizio Passarini is Researcher; PhD in Chemistry and author of more than 20 publications on International refereed journals. He is member of the Steering Committee of the Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry of Italian Chemical Society.
Ivano Vassura is Researcher; Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and author of more than 20 publications on International refereed journals.

Luciano Morselli, Fabrizio Passarini, Ivano Vassura, Integrated Waste Management: Towards a European Recycling Society
Giuseppe Garzia, The Responsibility and the Costs of Waste Management in the Directive 2008/98/CE
Eugenio Bora, Packaging Waste Recovery: The Italian Scheme and the European Scenario
Javier Dufour, Waste Management in Life Cycle Assessment
Tobias Luger, Christoph Hermann, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - End-of-Life Management and Design Impllications
Alberto Confalonieri, Source Segregated Organic Waste Recovery: The Biological Aerobic Approach
Sergio Piccinini, Energy Recovery from Organic and Agricultural Wastes: The Case of Italy
Leonardo Setti, Dario Zanichelli, Bioliquefaction as a Bio-Refinery's Approach for the Production of National Bioactive Compounds for Functional Cosmetics
David P. Serrano, Plastic Wastes: Management and Recycling
Paolo Pozzi, Rosa Taurino, Tania Zanasi, Using Injection Moulding Technology for Polyolefin Recycling
Fernanda Andreola, Luisa Barbieri, Isabella Lancellotti, Cristina Leonelli, Thermal Treatments for the Recovery of Value Added Materials
Luciano Morselli, Alessandro Santini, Fabrizio Passarini, Ivano Vassura, European Strategies Concerning Wastes from the Automative Industry. A Focus on the Non-Ferrous Scrap Recovery
Carlo Vandecasteele, Chantal Block, Industrial Processes for (Domestic and Industrial) Waste Incineration
Ion V. Ion, Daniela L. Negoita, Waste Minimisation and Recycling
Paolo Lauriola, Understanding of Health Effects on Decision Making Concerning Waste Management: From Evidence to Action. General Comments and Proposals
Eliana Farotto, Comieco and the Management of Recovery and Recycling of Paper and Board Packaging
Mariagiovanna Vetere, COREPLA. The Italian Scheme, a Success Story
Massimiliano Avella, Comparative Analysis of Systems for Separately Collected Glass Fractions in Italy
Paolo Groppi, The Vinyloop(r) Technology
Lorenzo Nannariello, Tetra Pak and the Environmental Sustainability.

Contributors: Fernanda Andreola, Massimiliano Avella, Luisa Barbieri, Chantal Block, Eugenio Bora, Alberto Confalonieri, Javier Dufour, Eliana Farotto, Giuseppe Garzia, Paolo Groppi, Christoph Hermann, Ion V. Ion, Isabella Lancellotti, Paolo Lauriola, Cristina Leonelli, Tobia Luger, Lorenzo Nannariello, Daniela L. Negoita, Sergio Piccinini, Paolo Pozzi, Alessandro Santini, David P. Serrano, Leonardo Setti, Rosa Taurino, Carlo Vandecasteele, Mariagiovanna Vetere, Tania Zanasi, Dario Zanichelli

Serie: Uomo, ambiente, sviluppo

Subjects: Sustainability & Green Design

Level: Advanced Books for Professionals

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