Un approccio "istituzionale" all’Educazione Ambientale e allo Sviluppo Sostenibile. Una ricerca internazionale su linee di tendenza e possibili scenari per le "ecoscuole" - The article reports the results of a comparative research study based on information collected from 13 country reports on implicit and explicit criteria guiding Eco-schools’ development processes in whole school plans, inspired by Environmental Education values and principles. The research was carried on by the ENSI - Environment and School Initiatives - international network, within the context of a Comenius 3 network, the SEED, School Development through Environmental Education network. The participating countries were: Australia, Austria, Belgium - Flemish Community, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Norway, Spain (Catalonia), and Sweden. By analysing trends and divergences in the reports, the article focus on identiAbstracts fying the visions of the future world that are embedded in the Eco-schools’ programmes and what conceptualisation of learning-teaching processes and school development can be identified in this work. The outcome of analysis results in scenarios which allow to understand future trends and which can also be used to orient future choices. The whole research, is published in English and can be downloaded from the website www.ensi.org.