Embedding intelligence

Davide Spallazzo, Martina Sciannamé

Embedding intelligence

Designerly reflections on AI-infused products

Artificial intelligence is more-or-less covertly entering our lives and houses, embedded into products and services that are acquiring novel roles and agency on users. The design discipline and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field are just beginning to explore the wicked relationship between Design and AI, looking for a definition of its borders, still blurred and ever changing. The book approaches this issue from a human-centered standpoint, proposing designerly reflections on AI-infused products. It addresses one main guiding question: what are the design implications of embedding intelligence into everyday objects?

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9788835141914

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 10319.17

Info about Open Access books

Artificial intelligence is more-or-less covertly entering our lives and houses, embedded into products and services that are acquiring novel roles and agency on users.
Products such as virtual assistants represent the first wave of materialization of artificial intelligence in the domestic realm and beyond. They are new interlocutors in an emerging redefined relationship between humans and computers. They are agents, with miscommunicated or unclear properties, performing actions to reach human-set goals.
They embed capabilities that industrial products never had. They can learn users' preferences and accordingly adapt their responses, but they are also powerful means to shape people's behavior and build new practices and habits. Nevertheless, the way these products are used is not fully exploiting their potential, and frequently they entail poor user experiences, relegating their role to gadgets or toys.
Furthermore, AI-infused products need vast amounts of personal data to work accurately, and the gathering and processing of this data are often obscure to end-users. As well, how, whether, and when it is preferable to implement AI in products and services is still an open debate. This condition raises critical ethical issues about their usage and may dramatically impact users' trust and, ultimately, the quality of user experience.
The design discipline and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field are just beginning to explore the wicked relationship between Design and AI, looking for a definition of its borders, still blurred and ever-changing. The book approaches this issue from a human-centered standpoint, proposing designerly reflections on AI-infused products. It addresses one main guiding question: what are the design implications of embedding intelligence into everyday objects?

Davide Spallazzo, Martina Sciannamè, Forewords
Mauro Ceconello, AI-infused products so far. An analysis from a design standpoint
Davide Spallazzo, User Experience and AI-infused products. A wicked relationship
Martina Sciannamè, Emma Zavarrone, The qualities of AI-infused products. Reflections on emerging UX dimensions
Ilaria Vitali, Alice Paracolli, Venanzio Arquilla, The role of design in the era of conversational interfaces
Marco Ajovalasit, Understanding meaningfulness in AI-infused artefacts
Davide Spallazzo, Martina Sciannamè, Conclusions

Contributors: Marco Ajovalasit, Venanzio Arquilla, Mauro Ceconello, Alice Paracolli, Ilaria Vitali, Emma Zavarrone

Serie: Design International - Open Access

Subjects: Architecture, Design, Art, Urban and Regional Studies

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