The Smart Home

Chiara Lecce

The Smart Home

An exploration of how Media Technologies have influenced Interior. Design visions from the last century till today

The book tries to examine, from an historical and critical point of view, how media technologies have influenced inhabited interiors during the last sixty years. Although the title Smart Home, the research is not focused on strictly functional and technical aspects of domestic interiors design (i.e. domotics), but more broadly on how human behavioral aspects have modified (and could modify in the future) living spaces in relation to technologies evolutions.

Pages: 140

ISBN: 9788835112273

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 319.12

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 140

ISBN: 9788835113713

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 319.12

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The passage from the mechanization era to the digital era is a critic step of our contemporary history. As technology changes so do society, the environment, and the practice of architecture and design. The globalizing "networked society" has forced architects and designers to readapt their work to new modalities of production and construction, new patterns of movement and settlement, new cultural priorities and new space and objects typologies that have radically changed our living environment. On these premises, the book tried to examine, from an historical and critical point of view, how media technologies have influenced inhabited interiors during the last sixty years.
Although the title Smart Home, the research was not focused on strictly functional and technical aspects of domestic interiors design (i.e. domotics), but more broadly, on how human behavioral aspects had modified (and could modify in the future) living spaces in relation to technologies evolutions.

Chiara Lecce, PhD in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design and MA of Interior Design. She is adjunct professor of Interior & Spatial Design at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano. Since 2010 she has been involved in research in the history of design, interiors and exhibition design, collaborating with the main Italian and international design archives. He is editor-inchief of two scientific journals dedicated to design (PAD Journal. Pages on Arts and Design) and to the history of design (AIS/Design. Storie e Ricerche Journal). He has collaborated in several research projects of the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano (Exhibit Design History and Methodologies, MADEC. Material Design Research Center; Design 4 Enterprises; DESY. Designing Enhancement Strategies and Exhibit SYstems for the Italian House Museums and Studios among others). At the same time, he has carried out several publications concerning history of design and contemporary design studies, collaborating with major magazines and editors of the field (

Introduction. The Smart Home beyond domotics
Reading the History
(The Architecture Machine; Postwar and Technological Futurism; Utopias and Radical Visions; "Techno-euphoria")
The Smart Home. Everyday life digital ubiquitousness
(Immaterial feelings; What is Smart?; Early 2000s approaches to the Smart Environment; Internet of Things: from smart to business; The world from our couch: interiors affected by new media)
Post-Digital or Post-Pandemic?
(When the nomadic home turns your only "safe place": the 2020 global pandemic; The post-digital era and the "material-turn")
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