Dementia orientated reality (dor): communication strategies in the treatment of people with dementia

Author/s Roberta Caiazza, Ian Andrew James, Daniela Cantone
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/3 Language Italian
Pages 12 P. 447-458 File size 170 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2015-003001
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Research around the development of communication strategies in dementia care has had a great importance in the last twenty years. The majority of the studies, carried out in Australia and Great Britain, have highlighted the use of lies in the treatment of people with dementia. Within this stream of research, theoretical constructs have been developed in order to guarantee and implement ethical validity of this type of communication. In order to develop, within the Italian background, "untruthful" ethical communication in dementia care, this study has examined the existing Dementia Orientated Reality construct, originally developed in the English language.

Keywords: Dementia, communication strategies, therapeutic lies, ethics

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  • Lying to patients with dementia: Attitudes versus behaviours in nurses Daniela Cantone, Francesco Attena, Sabrina Cerrone, Antonio Fabozzi, Riccardo Rossiello, Laura Spagnoli, Concetta Paola Pelullo, in Nursing Ethics /2019 pp.984
    DOI: 10.1177/0969733017739782

Roberta Caiazza, Ian Andrew James, Daniela Cantone, Realtà orientata alla demenza (dor): strategie comunicative nel trattamento del paziente affetto da demenza in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 3/2015, pp 447-458, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2015-003001