The grand alliance.

Carlo Pelanda

The grand alliance.

The global integration of democracies

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9788846486295

Edizione:1a edizione 2007

Publisher code: 1420.1.80

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The system of world governance built on US dominance, the Dollar and the Western nature of international institutions is crumbling.
The United States is still the single most powerful country in the world but it is now too "small" to maintain its role as global governor as it has done since 1945. The world has simply become too big to be governed by one power.
Current trends show that divergent regional blocks and meganations are being formed. This will weaken the governance of the global economy and its security problems, increasing the risk of destabilisation over the entire planet.
A period of research has begun to identify international political architecture able to keep the world stable. This book is part of this research and recommends the future alliance of the world's great democracies: America, countries in the European Union, Russia, India and Japan.
The gradual convergence of military and economic power within these nations will produce credible global governance based on Western and technical values. But to bring this about, the European Union will have to shift from its current passive role to become an active player in international relations.

Carlo Pelanda is Adjunct Professor of International Relations and co-director of Globis (Centre for the Study of Global Issues) at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA. He has been consultant to the UN Secretary General (1988-90), to the President of the Italian Republic (Cossiga, 1990-91), to the Foreign Minister (Andreatta, 1993), to the Minister of Finance (Tremonti, 1994) and to the Minister of Defence (Martino, 2001-2005). His recent publications, in Italian, include "Active Democracy" (Democrazia attiva, Angeli, 2006) and, with Professor Paolo Savona, "Sovereignty and Wealth" (Sovranità e ricchezza, Sperling & Kupfer, 2001) and "Sovereignty and Confidence" (Sovranità e fiducia, Sperling & Kupfer, 2005).

The tendency towards disorder
The geopolitical priority
The Grand Alliance
From the call for realism to arguing a case realistically
From an unrealistic to a realistic approach
From pragmatic to strategic realism
From moralism to utilitarianism
From accommodating diplomacy to conditioning diplomacy
The crisis of world order, centred on America
An unsolved problem since the 1970s
The first attempt at a Grand Alliance
Aside on the relationship between economy and empire
The unbearable weight of the Leviathan
The crisis of the alliance
America is too small in relation to the mission of global government
The tendency towards a multilateral system in disorder
The United States: divergence as the defence of supremacy
China: astute convergence with a view to deferred divergence
European Union: passive divergence
Russia: imperial divergence
India: an ambitious question mark
Japan: an exclamation mark, with no sentence
The greater likelihood of world disorder
The risk of a crisis of confidence as a result of weak governance
The priority of the criteria for building confidence
Crisis in security with the weakening of deterrence
The risk of an energy crisis
Sinking economic confidence within wealthy nations
The risk of destabilisation as a result of the lack of guarantees in emerging nations
Probable block of global democratisation
The market shows no signs of suffering a crisis of confidence
The Grand Alliance as a solution
The plan's requirements
The three heads of the Grand Alliance
Feasibility of the plan
Phase One: Euro-American convergence " 117
Phase Two: the attraction effect of the Western nucleus
Phase Three: further co-optation
The evolution of the economic area formed by an alliance between democracies
Inclusion policy
European impetus
Europe for what?
The new answer from outside
Greater internal integration through the definition of external objectives
Rebuilding wounded European national pride
European impetus to Euro-American convergence
Conclusion. The alliance of democracies with a mission of global governance
Facilitating stabilising, inclusive democratisation
The solution to the "Chinese question"
The solution to the "Islamic question"
The solution to the "environmental question"
The mission of governance and the technological revolution
From concentrated to widespread globalisation

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