Cultures and urban regeneration. the case of the multi-cultural neighbourhood of Charlois, Rotterdam

Journal title CRIOS
Author/s Elena Ostanel
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/12
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 21-32 File size 1082 KB
DOI 10.3280/CRIOS2016-012003
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In Italy and Europe different community based actions describe themselves as catalysts of urban regeneration and territorial development: project and practices realized with small investments where the focus is the direct involvement within the territory and the focus on the action, rather on the project design phase, is central. They are practices that usually interact with the institutions, sometimes generating mutual understating and new formal or informal institutional arrangements, but in other cases producing a de-empowering process by the public actor or support to gentrification processes. Based on this framework, the article analyses the case study of Rotterdam Charlois, the Netherlands.

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  • New Metropolitan Perspectives Beatrice Maria Belle’, pp.898 (ISBN:978-3-030-48278-7)

Elena Ostanel, Culture e rigenerazione urbana: il caso del quartiere multiculturale di Charlois, Rotterdam in "CRIOS" 12/2016, pp 21-32, DOI: 10.3280/CRIOS2016-012003