Representations and practices of urban diversity. A study on three neighborhoods in Milan

Author/s Paola Arrigoni, Lavinia Bifulco, Massimo Bricocoli
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/121
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 47-72 File size 295 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2018-121003
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The paper discusses the relation between city and diversity analyzing the case of Milan, more precisely three neighborhoods: the well established 19th century area of Sempione, the Bicocca neighborhood resulting from the redevelopment of a previous industrial area, the multiethnic via Padova neighborhood. The aim is to enlighten complex, contingent and constructed ways diversity comes into play in the representations and practices of the inhabitants, both as individuals and associated.

Keywords: Diversity; city; Milano; social mix; urban space

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Paola Arrigoni, Lavinia Bifulco, Massimo Bricocoli, Rappresentazioni e pratiche della diversità urbana. Uno studio su tre quartieri a Milano in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 121/2018, pp 47-72, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2018-121003