Smart working: il lavoro senza tempo e senza luogo

Author/s Maura Franchi, Augusto Schianchi
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/111
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 203-224 File size 214 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2020-111009
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FrancoAngeli is member of Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA), a not-for-profit association which run the CrossRef service enabling links to and from online scholarly content.

Smart Working has been a collateral effect of the lockdown, following the current pandemic crisis of Covid. It does not represent simply a transitory case for working from home. In this paper we try to show that Smart Working is a radical change in the way our society will work in our future. It will change how we work and the way we live in our house and our family. It will change the way firms how going to be organized. Unions will have to change their role, because we are going to live in a society of individuals, more than social classes. Covid will change almost everything, also because it will interact with the next arrival of an extensive use of Artificial Intelligence. Let’s expect hard times.

Keywords: Smart/remote/flexible working; lockdown; reconciliation of working times

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Maura Franchi, Augusto Schianchi, Smart working: il lavoro senza tempo e senza luogo in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 111/2020, pp 203-224, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2020-111009