Educating the other beyond the self: The third mission of universities as a means to reduce educational poverty

Author/s Erika Marie Pace, Alessio Di Paolo, Iolanda Zollo, Paola Aiello, Maurizio Sibilio
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/1
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 114-133 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess1-2024oa17598
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This article aims to stimulate a pedagogical reflection that explores the role of advocates for an examination of the third mission, highlighting mentoring as a pivotal medium in attaining these objectives. Through the dual avenues of teacher and learner education, as well as the diverse activities fostered by the university, it explores how mentoring can be harnessed to advance educational objectives. This research trajectory is oriented towards promoting a systematic and networked perspective to strengthen the educational community.

Keywords: ; inclusion; school dropout; mentoring; community development; educational poverty

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Erika Marie Pace, Alessio Di Paolo, Iolanda Zollo, Paola Aiello, Maurizio Sibilio, Formarsi e formare l’altro da sé: la terza missione come veicoloper arginare la povertà educativa in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 1/2024, pp 114-133, DOI: 10.3280/ess1-2024oa17598