The dimensions of uncertainty and ambiguity in adolescents and young adults’ romantic relationships: A systematic review

Author/s Camilla Chiara Colombo, Emanuela Confalonieri, Gaia Cuccì
Online First 7/25/2024 Issue 2024/Online First
Language English Pages 33 P. 1-33 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/rip2023oa18216
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Contemporary romantic relationships in adolescence and young adulthood no longer follow a linear trajectory but come to be increasingly characterized by high heterogeneity. Social networks have also constituted a new context for interaction, which has given rise to the tendency to enact behaviors characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. This study aims at providing a framework of the existing literature contributions on the dimensions of relational uncertainty and relational ambiguity in adolescents and young adults’ romantic relationships. A state-of-art systematic review was performed on PsycInfo, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science Direct, adopting the PRISMA statement. Through a qualitative analysis, four themes emerged from the 23 included articles: (a) the definitions of relational uncertainty and relational ambiguity, (b) the impact on the quality of the romantic relationship, (c) communicative and individual outcomes, and (d) coping strategies.

Camilla Chiara Colombo, Emanuela Confalonieri, Gaia Cuccì, The dimensions of uncertainty and ambiguity in adolescents and young adults’ romantic relationships: A systematic review in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA" Online First/2024, pp 1-33, DOI: 10.3280/rip2023oa18216