Extraction in Movement: the Logistics Turn in Chilean Mining Industry

Author/s Martin Arboleda
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/169
Language Italian Pages 28 P. 24-51 File size 258 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2024-169002
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Through an investigation of port cities in northern Chile, this article assesses the territorial and sociopolitical ramifications of the logistics turn in the extractive industries. The systematic adoption of organiza-tional imperatives towards flow, connectivity, and speed in mining operations, has spearheaded a modality of logistical urbanization in which the governance of mineral flows assumes increasing salience vis-à-vis sites of extraction narrowly considered. This evolving modali-ty of territorial organization has underpinned the rise of a transpacific logistical corridor that weaves together multiple mineral deposits in the Chilean Andes with a wide array of port and manufacturing cities in East Asia. Through a materialist reading of the capitalist state, the paper suggests that the metabolic flows that animate this complex socioeco-logical system are mediated by distinct, yet overlapping tendencies to-wards the internationalization and the concentration of the political au-thority of the late liberal state.

Keywords: China, extractivism, logistics, open marxism, urban political ecology

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Martin Arboleda, Estrazione in movimento: la svolta logistica dell’industria mineraria cilena in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 169/2024, pp 24-51, DOI: 10.3280/SL2024-169002