Dynamics of parentification and post-traumatic morphogenesis: cPTSD and DTD

Author/s Massimiliano Fierro, Elena Acquarini
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/3
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 113-135 File size 256 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2024-003006
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Parentification can be conceived as a frankly traumatic condition that can last throughout childhood and adolescence, and not just a mere form of childhood neglect. The relationship between this dynamic and childhood trauma has been little investigated specifically, but it is possible to connect symptomatic outcomes to a complex form of traumatization which outlines a complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD) or a Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD). Etiopathogenesis, dynamics and symptoms lead to interpret the phenomenon as lasting and persistent, along with a non-possibility of structuring a suitable epistemic trust for self-regulation and adjustment functions in the forthcoming individual's relational skills and quality of life. This kind of evolutionary booster will influence the personality and identity structure by mediating the takeover of roles and skills that will telescopically orient family and relational atmospheres in a transgenerational way.

Keywords: parentification, parental role-reversal, cPTSD, DTD, childhood trauma, complex trauma.

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Massimiliano Fierro, Elena Acquarini, Dinamiche della parentificazione e morfogenesi post-traumatica: cPTSD e DTD in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 3/2024, pp 113-135, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2024-003006