Rivista della Società Italiana di Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia (SIPNEI)

2 issues per year, ISSN 2532-6147 , ISSNe 2532-2826

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 42.50

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 36.00

Subscription fees 2024

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online (current + back issue, perpetual access, plus licence)

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PNEI REVIEW is the journal published by the Italian Society of Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (SIPNEI), a scientific inter-professional association promoting the study and care of the human being as a whole. The aim of the journal is to support the unity of the knowledge on human beings by overcoming the barriers that separate the different disciplines. The interdisciplinary program of PNEI REVIEW is implemented by hosting articles that are written in a scientific and yet clear language explaining and investigating the functioning of the human body both in health and disease. A particular emphasis is given to the bi-directional relationships between the psyche and the biological systems within the social and environmental context. Along with this scientific program, PNEI REVIEWprovides also more clinical and therapeutic focused articles and reviews with particular regard to the new models of prevention and integrative care of human health. The languages are Italian and English. Each issue hosts a monograph, decided by the Board, and other articles that will be subjected to the anonymous peer-review process.

Italian Society of Psychoeneuroendocrineimmunology (SIPNEI)
General Editor: Francesco Bottaccioli
Editor Assistant: Filippo Angelini
Editorial board: Mauro Bologna (Presidente SIPNEI, Università dell’Aquila) Raffaella Cardone (Direttivo nazionale SIPNEI) Hernán Cerna (Isora Neurociencia, Madrid, Spagna) Aldo R. Eynard (Università di Córdoba, Argentina) David Lazzari (Presidente Ordine nazionale Psicologi) Irene Leo (Università di Padova) Eleonora Lombardi Mistura (Direttivo nazionale SIPNEI) Ketti Mazzocco (Università di Milano) Andrea Minelli (Università di Urbino)

For infoFrancesco Bottaccioli,

Papers submitted to the journal are typically screened by the editor or one of the associate editors to determine whether the manuscript falls within Journal’s Aims and Scope and satisfies the academic standards of the field. Papers are then assigned to an editor who oversees the entire editorial process including the final decision on the manuscript. If judged suitable for publication, the manuscript is sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as possible consultation between Editorial Board members, the editor decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected.

Editorial Guidelines
Licence agreement

Article Processing Charges & Fees

The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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Issue 2/2024 Sessualità, genere e identità




