Rivista quadrimestrale di analisi economica e sociale

3 issues per year, ISSN 1827-2479 , ISSNe 2038-6745

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 38.50

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 27.00

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Regional Economics and Society - Beyond the Bridge (Economia e società regionale - Oltre il ponte) has been the journal of IRES Veneto since 1983. Established with the primary aim of creating a tool for reflection and debate, it hosts contributions from scholars, researchers and trade union leaders involved in the transformation of local economies. It gives space to the results of research carried out in Italy and abroad on economic issues, social phenomena, public policies and institutional dynamics. Particular focus is placed on emerging issues related to the political agenda of regional players. The journal also places special emphasis on the central issues of public debate in Italy and Europe:
taxation and federalism;
economic policies and industrial relations;
changes in work and welfare systems;
international economic reorganisation and production relocation;
technological innovation and business networks;
credit, services and reform of local utilities.
These are key topics that, because of the obvious impact they have on labour and trade union strategies, are emblematic of the contradictions that accompany the evolution of production and innovation. Economia e società regionale - Oltre il ponte seeks to provide a forum for comparative debate, hosting positions that differ in their analysis of phenomena and policy. This effort to promote sometimes antithetical ideas allows one to observe the latest developments in knowledge, and, at the same time, to challenge the social, political and institutional players into identifying appropriate courses of action. As of edition No 105 (1) 2009, the journal's main section features a monographic section dedicated to the inherent changes taking place in the Northeast, after which the edition is titled. The editor, after discussion with the Editorial Advisory Board, introduces and leads analysis and reflection on the topic. Each monographic section provides subject matter for discussion in the subsequent edition, where contributions are hosted in the opening section "Debate on" The results of analysis and research carried out by academics and researchers on economic and social themes are published in the Essays and Research section. These essays are generally documented and supported by non-controversial, though not exclusively quantitative, databases, and are structured according to strict scientific criteria. Articles in this section are subject to refereeing, although they are also targeted at non-specialists. The section Notes and Reviews provides a rolling information and reporting service with brief reviews of recently published texts and dissertations by experts and scholars on subjects of particular interest.

Editor in chief: Francesco Indovina
General editor: Giorgio Gosetti
Comitato di redazione: Nicoletta Masiero (coordinamento), Marco Almagisti, Bruno Anastasia, Elena Battaglini, Vania Brino, Sandra Burchi, Anna Carreri, Marina Chiarvesio, Giancarlo Corò, Gianluca De Angelis, Eleonora Di Maria, Gianfranco Francese, Daniela Freddi, Chiara Gargiulo, Giorgio Gosetti (Direttore), Alberto Mattei, Patrizia Messina.
Scientific board: Ada Becchi, Franca Bimbi, Aurelio Bruzzo, Ilvo Diamanti, Gianluigi Fontana, Emilio Franzina, Donata Gottardi, Roberto Grandinetti, Luciano Greco, Paolo Roberto Graziano, Paolo Gubitta, Luigi Mariucci, Luca Meldolesi, Stefano Micelli, Domenico Patassini, Paolo Perulli, Marina Piazza, Paolo Pini, Vincenzo Rebba, Matelda Reho, Gianni Riccamboni, Giorgio Roverato, Enzo Rullani, Pierangelo Spano, Dario Stevanato, Giuseppe Tattara, Ugo Trivellato, Maurizio Zenezini

Editorial Offices: via Peschiera 5 - 30174 Mestre (Venezia) tel. 041/5497820 - fax 041/5497824 e-mail:

Articles received by the journal are subject to anonymous refereeing. The referees evaluate the proposed work and draw up a form prepared by the Editorial Advisory Board. If their overall assessment is not positive, the article will be rejected. Otherwise, if changes are required, the evaluation form is sent to the author anonymously. Based on comments received, if the author considers it necessary, he may review the text and submit the revised version to the journal which is then resent to the same referee for final approval, without which the article will not be published.

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Issue 4/2005