Rivista di studi e ricerche sulle migrazioni internazionali

3 issues per year, ISSN 1972-4888 , ISSNe 1972-4896

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 39.50

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 31.50

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Mondi Migranti is a review promoted and produced by the Centro Studi Medì (Migrations in the Mediterranean; in partnership with the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Genoa, the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Milan, and FIERI. Mondi Migranti has at least three main objectives. The first is to enhance the quality of scientific debate in the field, a debate, which in Italy, is characterized by several factors - the relative 'youth' of the subject, its burning relevance to contemporary Italian society, and its mixture of scientific reflection, political debate and militant controversy. Secondly, Mondi Migranti offers itself as a forum for international scientific debate on migration issues. The third function of a specialized scientific review is to provide opportunities for the publication of worthy articles, to stimulate scientific debate in the field and to provide a space for the exchange of ideas and research results. Each issue includes a monographic section and space for the publication of articles on other topics. Also, it has been decided to combine a scientific, mainly sociological, approach with an interest in cultural debate, artistic production and personal accounts. Our intent, therefore, is to propose a cutting-edge (perhaps a half-cast) review in terms of structure, but one in which academic rigour does not deny personal experience and cultural and artistic elaboration. All sections, except "Prospettive" and "Débat et Combat", are based on peer review and so geared towards the promotion of open, clear and pluralist publication criteria within the academic community.

General Editor: Maurizio Ambrosini (Università di Milano)
Associate Editors: Luca Queirolo Palmas (Università di Genova), Andrea T. Torre (Centro Studi Medì, Genova)
Scientific board: Alberto Acosta (ILDIS-FES, Quito), Marco Aime (Università di Genova), Teofilo Altamirano (Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Lima), Jacqueline Andall (University of Bath), Rosa Apariciò (Universidad de Comillas, Madrid), Joaquim Arango (Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Madrid), Maria Ioannis Baganha (Universidade de Coimbra), Laura Balbo (Università di Padova), Elena Besozzi (Università Cattolica di Milano e Fondazione Ismu), Giancarlo Blangiardo (Università di Milano Bicocca e Fondazione Ismu), Kitty Calavita (Università di California Irvine), Stephen Castles (Università di Oxford), Vincenzo Cesareo (Università Cattolica di Milano e Fondazione Ismu), Antonio M. Chiesi (Università di Milano), Robin Cohen (University of Warwick), Michele Colasanto (Università Cattolica di Milano e Fondazione Ismu), Asher Colombo (Università di Bologna e Istituto C. Cattaneo), Enzo Colombo (Università di Milano), Vittorio Cotesta (Università di Roma 3), Alessandro Dal Lago (Università di Genova), Marco De Marie (Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino), Han Entzinger (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Graziella Favaro (Università di Milano Bicocca e Centro Come), Carles Feixa (Universidade de Lleida e CIIMU, Barcelona), Georges Felouzis (Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux), Cesar Germana (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima), Graziella Giovannini (Università di Bologna) Luis Eduardo Guarnizo (University of California, Davis), Gioconda Herrera (FLACSO-Ecuador), Luisa Leonini (Università di Milano), Adriana Luciano (Università di Torino), Sarah Mahler (Florida International University), Robert Maier (Universiteit Utrecht), Alberto Martinelli (Università di Milano e Fondazione Ismu), Enzo Mingione (Università di Milano-Bicocca); Giovanni Mottura (Università di Modena), Beatriz Padilla (Universidade de Lisboa), Maria Cristina Paganoni (Università di Milano), Hector Palomino (Universidad di Buenos Aires), Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI, Torino), Jean-Paul Payet (Université de Geneve), Franco Pittau (Dossier Statistico Immigrazione-Roma), Gabriele Pollini (Università di Trento), Enrico Pugliese (IRPPS-CNR e Università Federico II, Napoli), Emilio Reyneri (Università di Milano Bicocca), Luisa Ribolzi (Università di Genova), Milena Santerini (Università Cattolica di Milano), Giuseppe Sciortino (Università di Trento e Istituto C. Cattaneo), Mara Tognetti (Università di Milano Bicocca), Antonio Tosi (Politecnico di Milano), Catherine Withol de Wenden (Centre d’études et de recherches internationales, Parigi), Laura Zanfrini (Università Cattolica di Milano e Fondazione Ismu), Giovanna Zincone (FIERI, Torino).
Editorial board:Andrea Ravecca (Segretario), Emanuela Abbatecola, Franca Bimbi, Paolo Boccagni, Paola Bonizzoni, Francesca Campomori, Adriano Cancellieri, Maddalena Colombo, Teresa Consoli, Iraklis Dimitriadis, Anna Elia, Deborah Erminio, Luca Giliberti, Francesca Lagomarsino, Luisa Leonini, Chiara Marchetti, Francesca Martini, Samuele Davide Molli, Maria Cristina Paganoni, Gaia Peruzzi, Agostino Petrillo, Irene Ponzo, Bruno Riccio, Roberta Ricucci, Francesca Alice Vianello.

Editorial Unit: Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo, Via Balbi 16, 16126, Genova, tel. 0102514371, fax +390108575959, e-mail:

Manuscripts are blind-reviewed by two anonymous referees.

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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 11, Area 14
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The circulation of the journal is intended to enhance the impact in the academic community, the world of applied research, professional associations and representative institutions.

Issue 3/2007