The Italian Journal of Mental Health

3 issues per year, ISSN 1129-6437 , ISSNe 1972-5582

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 35.50

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 28.00

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Founded in 1875 by Carlo Livi
The American Psychological Association has selected the Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria for the PsycINFO Journal Coverage List (a bibliographic database that lists the most important international journals and publications in the field, and analyses articles and quotations)
First published in 1875, the Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria is the oldest Italian psychiatric review. In covering mental health issues, it adopts an interdisciplinary approach aimed at encouraging dialogue between contiguous disciplines that share an interest in the individual and society. In short, the review explores the various meanings of psychological well-being and suffering. Over the years, the journal has followed the development of theories and practices in neurology, psychiatry, psychopathology, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, anthropology, sociology, and, more recently, in biological psychiatry and ethno-psychiatry. At present, the Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria comes out in monographic form, addressing relevant and current mental health topics. It is targeted at readers who work in psychiatry, as well as professionals involved in social work, education, the legal sphere, and anthropology, fields which often require a therapeutic-rehabilitative intervention. It also seeks to address the queries of people who understand the great effect that individuals can have, both in their interaction with others and in the manifestation of their social roles, in creating cultural conditions and causing mental health, or suffering.

International Advisory Board/Comitato dei Garanti Internazionale: German Berrios (Cambridge, UK), Martin Debanné (Geneva, Switzerland), Helen Killaspy (London, UK), Patrick McGorry (Melbourne, Australia), Sheila McNamee (Durham, New Hampshire), Merete Nordentoft (Copenhagen, Denmark), Stefan Priebe (London, UK), Onno Van der Hart (Utrecht, NL)
Comitato dei Garanti Nazionale/National Advisory Board: Valeria Babini (Bologna), Roberto Beneduce (Torino), Eugenio Borgna (Novara), Alberto Burgio (Bologna), Paolo Curci (Modena), Alessandro Dal Lago (Genova), Filippo Maria Ferro (Chieti), Laura Fruggeri (Parma), Salvatore Inglese (Catanzaro), Alberto Merini (Bologna), Pietro Pascarelli (Reggio Emilia), Giuseppe Riefolo (Roma), Franco Rotelli (Trieste), Pier Aldo Rovatti (Trieste), Gianni Tognoni (Milano)
Comitato di redazione/Editorial Board: Maria Bologna, Chiara Bombardieri, Yvonne Bonner, Gaddomaria Grassi, Giorgio Mattei, Gino Mazzoli, Francesco Paolella, Giulia Rioli, Luigi Tagliabue, Paolo Vistoli, Luisa Zannoni
Direzione/Editor-in-Chief: Gian Maria Galeazzi

Segreteria di Redazione/Editorial Office: Chiara Bombardieri - Biblioteca C. Livi - Ausl - Via Amendola, 2 - 42100 Reggio Emilia - e mail: chiara.bombardieri@ausl.re.it

The journal uses a double blind peer review process. The reviewers are selected for their specific expertise. The proposed article is sent anonymously to the reviewers to avoid possible influences due to the author's name. The editors may decide not to submit an article to the referees, if they consider the paper not pertinent, or not in line with scientific standards. The referees opinion will be sent to the author even if the answer is negative

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Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychiatrists, professionals involved in social work, education, and anthropology

Issue 3/2018