Books about Publications in Open Access

The search has found 162 titles


Title: Design e alterità

Conoscere l'Altro, pensare il possibile


Anche al design può essere chiesto di intraprendere percorsi di ricerca che mettano in evidenza la necessità del riconoscimento dell’altro, perché artefatti e sistemi sono anche veicolo di visioni del mondo, credenze e pregiudizi culturali. Dai flussi migratori alle culture di genere, dalle fragilità sociali alla salute mentale, dalle distanze culturali all’integrazione sociale, l’alterità può essere tema e metodo di progetto.

Book code:

cod. 10313.1


Title: Tracce di iper-in-visibilità

Rappresentazione e disparità di genere: uno sguardo sulla quotidianità


Gli studi raccolti nel volume riguardano diversi ambiti tematici, affrontati attraverso la doppia lente del design della comunicazione e degli studi di genere, che consentono di documentare alcuni territori del paesaggio mediatico critici, poiché caratterizzati da logiche progettuali che sottostanno al dominio maschile e che andiamo a osservare in profondità, al fine di rivelare i meccanismi che influiscono sulla stereotipizzazione dell’identità femminile.

Book code:

cod. 10313.2


Planning green infrastructures at the regional scale can be considered an intentional way of spreading the positive impacts of environmental conservation policies. In this volume, a methodological approach is experimentally implemented into the Sardinian region (Italy), in order to identify both a regional green infrastructure, and a network of ecological corridors connecting the regional protected areas.

Book code:

cod. 11786.3.1


Carmen Bruno, Silvia Maria Gramegna, Francesca Mattioli, Vanessa Monna, Martina Rossi

Title: Design Tools

A reflection towards the definition of a taxonomy


This book aims at encompassing the panorama of design tools being developed, tested and adopted: an original taxonomy that guides towards the organization of design tools and a representative collection of design tools developed within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano with specific instructions on how to use them.

Book code:

cod. 10319.15


Title: Engaging Spaces

How to increase social awareness and human wellbeing through experience design


The book presents different perspectives of analysis and new models of experience, reconfirming the importance assigned to the wellbeing and human-centered approach in the contemporary spatial design disciplinary debate. The aim is to explore the transformation process which we are living, both in private and in public spaces, underlining the central role of design to define new qualities of connections to live together in relation with the space around us.

Book code:

cod. 10319.16


Davide Spallazzo, Martina Sciannamé

Title: Embedding intelligence

Designerly reflections on AI-infused products


Artificial intelligence is more-or-less covertly entering our lives and houses, embedded into products and services that are acquiring novel roles and agency on users. The design discipline and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field are just beginning to explore the wicked relationship between Design and AI, looking for a definition of its borders, still blurred and ever changing. The book approaches this issue from a human-centered standpoint, proposing designerly reflections on AI-infused products. It addresses one main guiding question: what are the design implications of embedding intelligence into everyday objects?

Book code:

cod. 10319.17


Title: Dialoghi/Dialogues

Visioni e visualità/Visions and visuality


Il 43° convegno UID, tenuto a Genova, ha come tema il dialogo; praticato e spesso anche portato a dibattito su tanti temi fondamentali per la nostra vita all’interno della società, così complesso e non ancora risolto. Genova propone una riflessione sul valore del confronto e sui possibili frutti per la comunità, come docenti, ricercatori e divulgatori della conoscenza, ovvero sulla disciplina della rappresentazione in tutte le sue possibili accezioni e sul suo dialogare con gli ‘altri’ in tre macro ambiti: la Storia, la Semiotica, la Scienza/Tecnologia.

Book code:

cod. 10342.4


Title: Representation Challenges

New Frontieres of AR and AI Research for Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design


Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technological domains that closely interact with space at architectural and urban scale in the broader ambits of cultural heritage and innovative design.
This essays, by reintroducing the combination of Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), explores its new frontiers. The ambitious goal of this second step was to explore the new boundaries that AR and AI mark in the fields of cultural heritage and innovative design, opening to international studies.

Book code:

cod. 10342.5


Title: Re-manufacturing networks for tertiary architectures

Innovative organizational models towards circularity


This book deals with re-manufacturing, recondition, reuse and repurpose considered as winning strategies for boosting regenerative circular economy in the building sector. The book investigates the most promising strategies and organizational models to maintain over time the value of the environmental and economic resources integrated into manufactured products, once they have been removed from buildings, by extending their useful life and their usability with the lower possible consumption of other materials and energy and with the maximum containment of emissions into the environment.

Book code:

cod. 11330.2


Title: Valmalenco

La trama sottile del paesaggio: paesaggi minimi, invarianti strutturali e radici culturali della valle


Il volume illustra le Radici del paesaggio della Valmalenco, in particolare descrive l’evoluzione del manto vegetazionale, sulla base delle fonti documentarie e degli archivi naturali. Descrive lo stretto rapporto tra pietre, opportunità economiche, architettura vernacolare e volto dei luoghi, affronta le radici dell’insediamento e il ruolo del castello di Caspoggio fulcro territoriale della valle. Il risultato è l’emergere di una forte integrazione tra sistemi antropici e quelli naturali.

Book code:

cod. 12000.25