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Representation Challenges

A cura di: Andrea Giordano, Michele Russo, Roberta Spallone

Representation Challenges

Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design Domain

Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technological domains that closely interact with space at architectural and urban scale in the broader ambits of cultural heritage and innovative design. The growing interest is perceivable in many fields of knowledge, supported by the rapid development and advancement of theory and application, software and devices. This book collects 66 papers and identify eight lines of research that may guide future developments.

Pagine: 432

ISBN: 9788835125280

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Codice editore: 10342.2

Informazioni sugli open access

Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technological domains that closely interact with space at architectural and urban scale in the broader ambits of cultural heritage and innovative design. The growing interest is perceivable in many fields of knowledge, supported by the rapid development and advancement of theory and application, software and devices, fueling a pervasive phenomenon within our daily lives. These technologies demonstrate to be best exploited when their application and other information and communication technology (ICT) advancements achieve a continuum. In particular, AR defines an alternative path to observe, analyze and communicate space and artifacts. Besides, AI opens future scenarios in data processing, redefining the relationship between man and computer.
In the last few years, the AR/AI expansion and relationship have raised deep transdisciplinary speculation. The research experiences have shown many cross-relations in Architecture and Design domains. Representation studies could arise an international debate as a convergence place of multidisciplinary theoretical and applicative contributions related to architecture, city, environment, tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage.
This book collects 66 papers and identify eight lines of research that may guide future developments.

Francesca Fatta, Preface
Andrea Giordano, Michele Russo, Roberta Spallone, Representation Challenges: The Reasons of the Research
AR&AI theoretical concepts
Francesco Bergamo, The Role of Drawing in Data Analysis and Data Representation
Giorgio Buratti, Sara Conte, Michela Rossi, Artificial Intelligency, Big Data and Cultural Heritage
Marco Ferrari, Lodovica Valetti, Virtual Tours and Representations of Cultural Heritage: Ethical Issues
Claudio Marchese, Antonino Nastasi, The Magnificent AI & AR Combinations: Limits? Gorgeous Imperfections!
Valerio Palma, Data, Models and Computer Vision: Three Hands-on Projects
Alberto Sdegno, Drawing Automata
Marco Vitali, Giulia Bertola, Fabrizio Natta, Francesca Ronco, AI+AR: Cultural Heritage, Museum Institutions, Plastic Models and Prototyping. A State of Art
AR&AI virtual reconstruction
Alessio Bortot, Physical and Digital Pop-Ups. An AR Application in the Treatises on Stereotomy
Maurizio Marco Bocconcino, Mariapaola Vozzola, The Value of a Dynamic Memory: from Heritage Conservation in Turin
Antonio Calandriello, Augmented Reality and the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage: the Case of Palazzo Mocenigo in Padua
Cristina Càndito, Andrea Quartara, Alessandro Meloni, The Appearance of Keplerian Polyhedra in an Illusory Architecture
Maria Grazia Cianci, Daniele Calisi, Sara Colaceci, Francesca Paola Mondelli, Digital Tools at the Service of Public Administrations
Riccardo Florio, Raffaele Catuogno, Teresa Della Corte, Veronica Marino, Studies for the Virtual Reconstruction of the Terme del Foro of Cumae
Maurizio Perticarini, Chiara Callegaro, Making the Invisible Visible: Virtual/Interactive Itineraries in Roman Padua
AR&AI heritage routes
Marinella Arena, Gianluca Lax, Saint Nicholas of Myra. Cataloguing, Identification, and Recognition Through AI
Stefano Brusaporci, Pamela Maiezza, Alessandra Tata, Fabio Graziosi, Fabio Franchi, Prosthetic Visualizations for a Smart Heritage
Gerardo Maria Cennamo, Advanced Practices of Augmented Reality: the Open Air Museum Systems for the Valorisation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage
Serena Fumero, Benedetta Frezzotti, The Use of AR Illustration in the Promotion of Heritage Sites
Alessandro Luigini, Stefano Brusaporci, Alessandro Basso, Pamela Maiezza, The Sanctuary BVMA in Pescara: AR Fruition of the Pre-Conciliar Layout
Alessandra Pagliano, Greta Attademo, Anna Lisa Pecora, Phygitalarcheology for the Phlegraean Fields
Andrea Rolando, Domenico D'Uva, Alessandro Scandiffio, A Technique to Measure the Spatial Quality of Slow Routes in Fragile Territories Using Image Segmentation
Giorgio Verdiani, Ylenia Ricci, Andrea Pasquali, Stéphane Giraudeau, When the Real Really Means: VR and AR Experiences in Real Environments
Ornella Zerlenga, Vincenzo Cirillo, Massimiliano Masullo, Aniello Pascale, Luigi Maffei, Drawing, Visualization and Augmented Reality of the 1791 Celebration in Naples
AR&AI classification and 3D analysis
Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua, Anthony Fedeli, Federico Capriuoli, Antonella Gioli, Cosimo Monteleone, Andrea Piemonte, Immersive Technologies for the Museum of the Charterhouse of Calci
Massimiliano Campi, Valeria Cera, Francesco Cutugno, Antonella di Luggo, Domenico Iovane, Antonio Origlia, CHROME Project: Representation and Survey for AI Development
Paolo Clini, Roberto Pierdicca, Ramona Quattrini, Emanuele Frontoni, Romina Nespeca, Deep Learning for Point Clouds Classification in the Ducal Palace at Urbino
Pierpaolo D'Agostino, Federico Minelli, Automated Modelling of Masonry Walls: a ML and AR Approach
Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini, Data Modelling in Architecture: Digital Architectural Representations
Marco Limongiello, Lucas Matias Gujski, Image-Based Modelling Restitution: Pipeline for Accuracy Optimisation
Federica Maietti, Marco Medici, Ernesto Iadanza, From AI to H-BIM: New Interpretative Scenarios in Data Processing
Michele Russo, Eleonora Grilli, Fabio Remondino, Simone Teruggi, Francesco Fassi, Machine Learning for Cultural Heritage Classification
Andrea Tomalini, Edoardo Pristeri, Letizia Bergamasco, Photogrammetric Survey for a Fast Construction of Synthetic Dataset
AR&AI urban enhancement
Giuseppe Amoruso, Polina Mironenko, Valentina Demarchi, Rebuilding Amatrice. Representation, Experience and Digital Artifice
Paolo Belardi, Valeria Menchetelli, Giovanna Ramaccini, Margherita Maria Ristori, Camilla Sorignani, AR+AI = Augmented (Retail + Identity) for Historical Retail Heritage
Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci, Marco Seccaroni, New Interpretative Models for the Study of Urban Space
Marco Canciani, Giovanna Spadafora, Mauro Saccone, Antonio Camassa, Augmented Reality as a Research Tool, for the Knowledge and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage
Alessandra Pagliano, Augmenting Angri: Murals in AR for Urban Regeneration and Historical Memory
Caterina Palestini, Alessandro Basso, Evolutionary Time Lines, Hypothesis of an AI+AR-Based Virtual Museum
Daniele Rossi, Federico O. Oppedisano, Marche in Tavola. Augmented Board Game for Enogastronomic Promotion
AR&AI museum heritage
Massimo Barilla, Daniele Colistra, An Immersive Room Between Scylla and Charybdis
Francesco Borella, Isabella Friso, Ludovica Galeazzo, Cosimo Monteleone, Elena Svalduz, New Cultural Interfaces on the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice
Laura Carlevaris, Marco Fasolo, Flavia Camagni, Wood Inlays and AR: Considerations Regarding Perspective
Giuseppe D'Acunto, Augmented Reality and Museum Exhibition. The Case of the Tribuna of Palazzo Grimani in Venice
Giuseppe Di Gregorio, The Rock Church of San Micidiario of the Pantalica Site and 3DLAB VR/AR-Project
Elena Ippoliti, Understanding to Enhance, Between the Technical and Humanist Approaches
Gabriella Liva, Massimiliano Ciammaichella, Illusory Scene and Immersive Space in Tintoretto's Theatre
Franco Prampolini, Dina Porpiglia, Antonio Gambino, Medma Touch, Feel, Think: Survey, Catalog and Sensory Limitations
Paola Puma, Giuseppe Nicastro, The Emotion Detection Tools in the Museum Education EmoDeM Project
Leopoldo Repola, Nicola Scotto di Carlo, Andrea Maioli, Matteo Martignoni, MareXperience. AI/AR for the Recognition and Enhancement of Reality
AR&AI building information modeling and monitoring
Vincenzo Bagnolo, Raffaele Argiolas, Nicola Paba, Communicating Architecture. An AR Application in Scan-to-BIM Processes
Marcello Balzani, Fabiana Raco, Manlio Montuori, Integrated Technologies for Smart Buildings and PREdictive Maintenance
Fabrizio Banfi, Extended Reality (XR) and Cloud-Based BIM Platform Development
Carlo Biagini, Ylenia Ricci, Irene Villoresi, H-Bim to Virtual Reality: a New Tool for Historical Heritage
Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci, Giulia Pelliccia, Experimental Value of Representative Models in Wooden Constructions
Devid Campagnolo, Paolo Borin, Automatic Recognition Through Deep Learning of Standard Forms in Executive Projects
Matteo Del Giudice, Daniela De Luca, Anna Osello, Interactive Information Models and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age
Marco Filippucci, Fabio Bianconi, Michela Meschini, Survey and BIM for Energy Upgrading. Two Case Study
Raissa Garozzo, A Proposal for Masonry Bridge Health Assessment Using AI and Semantics
Federico Mario La Russa, AI for AEC: Open Data and VPL Approach for Urban Seismic Vulnerability
Assunta Pelliccio, Marco Saccucci, V.A.I. Reality. A Holistic Approach for Industrial Heritage Enhancement
AR&AI education and shape representation
Maria Linda Falcidieno, Maria Elisabetta Ruggiero, Ruggero Torti, Visual Languages: On-Board Communication as a Perception of Customercaring
Emanuela Lanzara, Mara Capone, Genetic Algorithms for Polycentric Curves Interpretation
Anna Lisa Pecora, The Drawn Space for Inclusion and Communicating Space
Marta Salvatore, Leonardo Baglioni, Graziano Mario Valenti, Alessandro Martinelli, Forms in Space. AR Experiences for Geometries of Architectural Form
Roberta Spallone, Valerio Palma, AR&AI in the Didactics of the Representation Disciplines
Alberto Tono, Meher Shashwat Nigam, Stasya Fedorova, Amirhossein Ahmadnia, Cecilia Bolognesi, Limitations and Review of Geometric Deep Learning Algorithms for Monocular 3D Reconstruction in Architecture.

Contributi: Francesca Fatta

Collana: Diségno - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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