Issue 3/2013
- Carlo Carraro, Marinella Davide, Valeria Barbi, Giacomo Marangoni, Science adva ncements, policy immobility: the two fac es of climate (in)action
- Morena Skalamera, EU-Russia Cooperation in a rapidly changing interregional gas market
- Lo Giudice Gino Moncada, Francesco Asdrubali, Antonella Rotili, Influence of new fac tors on global energy prospects in the medium term: compar ison among the 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions of the IEA’s World Energy Outlook reports
- Alfredo Viskovic, Vladimir Valentic, Vladimir Franki, The impac t of carbon prices on CCS investment in South East Europe
- Simona Bigerna, Paolo Polinori, Quality of Life in Major Italian Cities: Do Local Governments Cost Efficiency Contribute to Improve Urban Life Style? An Introductory Analysis
- Francesco Silvestri, Stefano Ghinoi, Vincenzo Barone, Nautical tourism, carrying capac ity and environmental externality in a protected Lagoon of Northern Adriatic Sea
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts
Issue 2/2013
- Chiara Bustreo, Guido Meneghini, Irene Vignotto, Giuseppe Zollino, Energy and environmental observatory. The Italian National Energy Strategy: a critical view of the power sector
- Carlo Andrea Bollino, The role of the National Energy Strategy in boosting italian economy
- Fabio Fiorillo, Raffaella Santolini, Special section: Local Governments and Environmental Taxation. Introduction
- Caterina Verrigni, Environmental taxation in Italian fiscal federalism
- Andrea Zatti, Fiorenza Carraro, Environmental taxation and municipal fiscal federalism: remarks and perspectives on the Italian case study
- Barbara Ermini, Fabio Fiorillo, Raffaela Santolini, Environmental protection, land-use regulation and local government taxation: theory and evidence on Italian municipalities
- Alberto Majocchi, Carbon-energy tax and emission permits to fight climate changes
- Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita Pretaroli, Francesca Severini, Claudio Socci, Environmental tax and regional government consumption expenditure in a fiscal federalism system
- Luigi De Paoli, Elena Fumagalli, Estimating welfare losses and gains in explicit auctions for power trade: an application to the Italian case
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts
Issue 1/2013
- Francesco Gullì, Economia e tecnologia del teleriscaldamento: alcune riflessioni (The economics of district heating)
- Alessandro Fiorini, Antonio Sileo, Infrastructural equip ment and regulati on. Key interv entions for sustaining security and development of the Italian natural gas market
- Giuseppe Cappiello, Paola Garrone, Paolo Nardi, Cooperation in the initial stages of infrastructure projects: a conceptual model and surv ey of Italian utility managers
- Alessio D'Amato, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Anna Montini, Francesco Nicolli, Economic, environmental and energy systems: market dynamics, innova tion and policy toward s sustainability
- Sebastiano Cupertino, Cost-benefit analysis of carbon dioxide capture and storage considering the impact of two different climate change mitigation regimes
- Samuel Carrara, Giacomo Marangoni, Non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation modeling with marginal abatement cost curv es: technical change, emission scenarios and policy costs
- Guido Maria Bazzani, Tools and models to support wa ter management in agriculture under policy and climate change. The Trebbia irrigation district experience
- Floriana Florestano, Hydrocarbon exploitation and macroeconomic performance: a structural var approach for Basilicata1
- Maurizio Canavari, Nicola Cantore, Sergio Albertazzi, Chiara Marco Della, Giuliano Vitali, Claudio Signorotti, Guido Baldoni, Concetta Cardillo, Antonella Trisorio, Guido Maria Bazzani, Roberta Spadoni, Domenico Regazzi, Sustainability in organic and conventional farming: towards a multicriteria model based on simulated farm indicators
- A cura della Redazione, Summaries and abstracts