Issue 2/2011
- Benedetto Vertecchi, La ricerca educativa: esprit de géométrie e/o esprit de finesse?
- Chris Whetton, Principles for establishing policy and practice in assessment for courses in higher education. Advice for the Tempus Demed project
- Antonella Poce, Francesca Corradi, Tempus Demed project and operational solutions for online distance education
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Fede
- Cinzia Angelini, Tempus Demed - An educational experience with academics in the Balkan region
- Emma Nardi, Orientamenti di ricerca del Committee for Education and Cultural Action (Icom-Ceca) (Committee for Education and Cultural Action's (Icom-Ceca) research trends)
- Gabriella Agrusti, Per una lettura diacronica dei fattori dell’apprendimento (A diachronic interpretation of learning factors)
- Theo J.H.M. Eggen, Tecla T.M. Lampe, Comparison of the reliability of scoring methods of multiple-response items, matching items, and sequencing items
- Francesco Agrusti, Research in progress
- A cura della Redazione, Errata corrige
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Speranza
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Carità
- A cura della Redazione, Libri ricevuti
Issue 1/2011
- Guri A. Nortvedt, Innovations in assessment to meet changing needs
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Quintiliano è servito (prima di Comenio e Darwin)
- Hopfenbeck Therese Nerheim, Fostering self-regulated learners in a community of quality assessment practices
- Fabienne M. van der Kleij, Caroline F. Timmers, Theo J.H.M. Eggen, The effectiveness of methods for providing written feedback through a computer-based assessment for learning: a systematic review
- Andrew Boyle, A range of approaches for studying the adoption of e-assessment
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Comenio è servito (dopo Quintiliano e prima di Darwin)
- Bill Boyle, Marie Charles, Redefining assessment: the struggle to ensure a balance between accountability and comparability based on a "testocracy" and the development of humanistic individuals through assessment
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Darwin è servito (dopo Quintiliano e Comenio)
- Margaret Heritage, Knowing what to do next: the hard part of formative assessment?
- Piotr Nezhnov, SAM - Toolkit to assess primary school students’ academic achievements
- Bettina Neugebauer, Nele Kampa, Olaf Köller, How significant are test conditions?
- A cura della Redazione, Research in progress
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts
- A cura della Redazione, Libri ricevuti