Issue 2/2023 SPECIAL ISSUE. Digital clinical settings and virtual environments in assessment and treatment
- Liliana Carrieri, Arianna Bentenuto, Paola Venuti, Giulio Bertamini, Simona de Falco, COVID-19: Remote diagnostic assessment of children with suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder, a selected literature review
- Nadia Genzano, Melania Rita Difino, Pierpaolo Limone, Salvatore Iuso, The use of digital setting in clinical ad learning applications
- Melania Severo, Antonella Calvio, Virginia Guillen, The effectiveness of psychological interventions delivered online on the mental health of university students: New challenges for psychological sciences
- Nicoletta Trotta, Adriana Leccese, Pietro Fiore, Katharina Meyerbröker, Virtual Reality: Characteristics and application in anxiety disorders and other clinical settings
Issue 1/2023
Regular Articles
- Gianluca Castelnuovo, Santo Di Nuovo, Vittorio Lingiardi, Fabio Madeddu, Sergio Salvatore, Psychology profession, clinical psychology, psychotherapy. Specificities and boundaries
- Barbara Cordella, Annachiara Miano, Angelo R. Pennella, Near and far: Representation of online psychotherapy in a group of clients
- Raffaella Abate, Guoyonne Rogier, Natural environment and its psychological effects: Exploring individuals’ narratives
- Matteo Reho, Skaiste Kerušauskaite, Barbara Cordella, Alessandro Gennaro, The representation of climate change: A retrospective newspaper analysis
- Stanley Berman, The necessity and the challenges for a unified model of clinical psychology: A commentary on Salvatore et al., 2022
- Richard F. Mollica, Sonia Graziano, Norcia and the central italian earthquake: Challenges and lessons learned from the italian psychiatric reform movement