Fascicolo 3/2017
- Roger Zetter, Changing contexts, persistent challenges: the political and social milieu of refugee and asylum seeker reception in Europe
- Elena Fontanari, Giulia Borri, Introduction. Civil society on the edge: actions in support and against refugees in Italy and Germany
- Larissa Fleischmann, The Politics of Helping Refugees Emerging Meanings of Political Action around the German ‘Summer of Welcome’
- Pietro Castelli Gattinara, Mobilizing against ‘the invasion’: Far right protest and the ‘refugee crisis’ in Italy
- Lorenzo Zamponi, Practices of Solidarity: Direct Social Action, Politicisation and Refugee Solidarity Activism in Italy
- Giorgia Bulli, Anti-Islamism and beyond: Pegida
- Jochen Kleres, Feeling the Refugee Crisis: Civic Mobilizations in Germany
- Luca Giliberti, La criminalizzazione della solidarietà ai migranti in Val Roja: note dal campo (La criminalizzazione della solidarietà ai migranti in Val Roja: note dal campo)
- Giulia Iannuzzi, International migration and environment: discussing the role of social remittances (Migrazioni internazionali e ambiente: una discussione sul ruolo delle rimesse sociali)
- Alberta Giorgi, Maria Chiara Giorda, Scuole confessionali in Italia: il caso delle scuole musulmane
- Maria Grazia Galantino, Migration as a risk for security. Risk frames in the Italian news on the Libya war and its aftermath (Le migrazioni come rischio per la sicurezza. I frame del rischio nella stampa italiana durante e dopo la guerra in Libia)
- Maria Cristina Mauceri, Editoria e scrittori transculturali in Italia
- Christiana de Caldas Brito, La mia esperienza con gli editori italiani
- Marta Margherita Cordini, Recensioni