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Design Culture Matters

A cura di: Giampiero Bosoni, Marta Elisa Cecchi

Design Culture Matters

Embracing cultures and cross-cultures through design perspective and matters

The volume investigates a wide sphere of issues referring to an extended concept of “matter” – the word matter intended not only as materials as such but also of content and relationships – through design actions, approaches, processes, tools and methodologies employed in different areas and with different objectives, yet united by the desire to intercept the current shift, sometimes reinventing and sometimes evolving programmatically over time to embrace the changed framework.

Pagine: 108

ISBN: 9788835154853

Edizione:1a edizione 2023

Codice editore: 10319.21

Informazioni sugli open access

We live in an uncertain, changing, hard-to-focus era in which traditional design approaches and methods can no longer respond to today's challenges that surface in varying degrees and intensity. Moreover, we are developing a different perception of 'materiality' and the mediums employed.
Hence in this 'liquid' and blurry landscape, the question emerges: What is the importance of understanding the value of design culture, more precisely, the "matters" through which this culture is manifested and expressed today? Moreover, how design culture aligns with the changed reality by responding "creatively" to today's emergencies?
The volume investigates a wide sphere of issues referring to an extended concept of "matter" - the word matter intended not only as materials as such but also of content and relationships - through design actions, approaches, processes, tools and methodologies employed in different areas and with different objectives, yet united by the desire to intercept the current shift, sometimes reinventing and sometimes evolving programmatically over time to embrace the changed framework.
The matter is thus interpreted in its range of potential declinations, bouncing from concept to object, material to immaterial, process to solution, and traditionally defined medium to a dynamic virtual tool.
This collection of essays is dedicated to all those who wish to explore the value and "matter" of design culture between past inheritance, present time and foreseeable future mutations through the deepening and inspiration of new and alternative tools, approaches and design methods.

Giampiero Bosoni, Marta Elisa Cecchi, General introduction
Giampiero Bosoni, Marta Elisa Cecchi, The atmospheric culture and matter of Interiors
(Matter as "Invironment Atmosphere"; The relevance of atmospheric issues in the design culture; References)
Federica Rubino, Davide Spallazzo, Mauro Attilio Ceconello, Envisioning museums on-chain: a designerly inquiry on blockchain-based digital transformation
(Abstract; Introduction; Fostering a designerly discussion on blockchain in the cultural heritage field; Further Methodological considerations; Scenario 1: Shared Ownership; Scenario 2: Collective Intelligence; Concluding remarks; References)
Marinella Ferrara, Beatrice Bianco, Materials and Society: Advancing the Material Culture of Design
(Abstract; Introduction; The contemporary relevance of the relation between society and materials. The cultural study paths; Towards a new material design culture; Implications on History of Design research; Concluding remarks; References)
Ziyu Zhou, Valentina Rognoli, Owain Pedgley, The Material: An Active and Dynamic Medium in Design Education
(Abstract; Introduction; Today's material and design field; Circularity of materials; The special place of materials in design; The democratization of materials, technologies, and 'tinkering' spaces; Shifting to a meaning-driven approach for materials and design education; Cultivating material designers; Concluding remarks; References)
James Christopher Postell, How to Discover a Design Culture?
(Abstract; Introduction; What Constitutes a Design Culture?; How might the processes and operations of making shape a design culture?; How can a Design Culture be discovered and what role does discovery have in the learning process?; Phase 1: Preparation and Study; Phase 2: Research Guided by Individual Inquiry; Phase 3 & 4: Group Synthesis and Teamwork; Concluding remarks; References)
Peter A. Di Sabatino, MUSE - Mobile Urban Studio Experience: in the city, of the city, for the city
(Abstract; Introduction; Confluence/convergence_foundations_principles_links; A couple of additional notes on MUSE; Concluding remarks; References)

Contributi: Beatrice Bianco, Mauro Ceconello, Peter Di Sabatino, Marinella Ferrara, Owain Pedgley, James Postell, Valentina Rognoli, Federica Rubino, Davide Spallazzo, Ziyu Zhou

Collana: Design International - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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