Design and materials.

Beatrice Lerma, Claudia De Giorgi, Cristina Allione

Design and materials.

Sensory perception_sustainability_project

This book presents a method to assess the sensory characteristics and eco-compatibility of materials. Designers can use this method as a tool and guide to manage the expressive-sensory aspects and environmental sustainability of the product.

Pages: 178

ISBN: 9788820462390

Edizione:1a edizione 2013

Publisher code: 85.92

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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In today's world design has to consider not only the technical and functional performance of products, but also the increasingly important cultural issues which make a product acceptable to man and the environment: sensory perception and sustainability.
This book presents a method to assess the sensory characteristics and eco-compatibility of materials; designers can use this method as a tool and guide to manage the expressive-sensory aspects and environmental sustainability of the product.
It is a multi-criteria tool to interpret the sensory and environmental performance of materials; the tool can be tailored to suit all kinds of cultural contexts based on the premise that it is impossible to talk of eco-compatible or 'sensory' materials in absolute terms. Instead it is more important to select materials, or a mix of materials, according to the various contexts of use, useful life, and end-of-life of a product.

Beatrice Lerma, designer, PhD in Production Systems & Industrial Design, research fellow, DAD - Dept. of Architectural and Design, Politecnico di Torino.

Claudia De Giorgi, architect, researcher in Industrial Design, DAD - Dept. of Architectural and Design, Politecnico di Torino.

Cristina Allione, architect, PhD in Technological Innovation for Architecture and Industrial Design, research fellow, DAD - Dept. of Architectural and Design, Politecnico di Torino.

(Design, sensory perception and sustainability; Materials and sensory perception; Materials and environmental sustainability; The role of designers in today's world; Worldwide materials libraries and databases)
Beatrice Lerma, Sensory evaluation
(Different approaches to sensory perception evaluation; The five senses and the empirical and technical tools used to measure perception; Case studies)
Beatrice Lerma, Proposed sensory evaluation method of materials
(The expressive and sensory properties of materials; Touch and materials; Hearing and materials; Sight and materials; Olfaction and materials; Sensory terminology)
Beatrice Lerma, Cristina Allione, Beyond sensory perception: measuring the eco-compatibility of innovative materials
(Tools and methods to assess the eco-compatibility of a product; Delineation of a multicriteria system to interpret the environmental performance of materials; Using materials with a reduced environmental load; Extension of the useful life of materials; Ethics; Short, medium and long term products; Considerations and future developments)
Claudia De GiorgI, Beatrice Lerma, Strengthening metadesign
(Application of sensory terminology; Theoretical simulation; Positive effects of the method; Perception of sustainability; Elegant sustainability)
Beatrice Lerma, Appendix 1 - Technical sheets of the main materials libraries in the world
Cristina Allione, Appendix 2 - Data sheets of the most popular environmental databases

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