European Union Digital Single Market

Beatrice Bertarini

European Union Digital Single Market

Legal Framework and Challenges

This study analyzes the evolution of the legal framework of the Digital Single Market in Europe. The gradual evolution of multiple regulatory frameworks aimed at aspects of digital technologies highlights how public regulation is now reaching the definition of the guiding principles for the Digital Single Market.

Pages: 120

ISBN: 9788835152460

Edizione:1a edizione 2023

Publisher code: 10315.4

Info about Open Access books

This study analyzes the evolution of the legal framework of the Digital Single Market in Europe, beginning with the first acts issued by the European Union on the subject of an information society. The gradual evolution of multiple regulatory frameworks aimed at aspects of digital technologies highlights how public regulation is now reaching the definition of the guiding principles for the Digital Single Market: in the digital era, this will increasingly dominate the lives of enterprises and citizens.

Beatrice Bertarini
is an Associate Professor of Economics Law at the University of Bologna, Department of Sociology and Business Law. She has published academic articles in several academic journals (Percorsi costituzionali, Giustamm, Il lavoro nella Pubblica Amministrazione, Innovazione e diritto, Il diritto dell'informazione e dell'informatica, and is the author of four books.

Information society and the market: First European legal reference points to the digital context
(The information society and the 1990s Communications from the European Commission; The 1999 European Commission Communications "Towards a new framework for Electronic Communications infrastructure and associated services" and "eEurope - An Information Society for All": the future of digital in Europe; The 2000s: Different plans for information society; The European Commission Communications of 2010: "A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" and "A Digital Agenda for Europe")
Affirmation of the Digital Single Market and related regulatory frameworks
(Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe; Digital divide and e-Inclusion: challenges for digital participation; Public regulation of connectivity and 5G as a key asset for Europe's growth; The role of Digital Platforms and the affirmation of the Data Economy)
The latest innovations for the Digital Single Market in the cultural revolution of Industry 5.0
(Digital Market Act and Digital Services Act: Gatekeeper and intermediary services. The role of big companies in the digital market; Artificial intelligence and its impact on consumer choices; From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0, the role of social and environmental factors; Monetary innovations: Virtual currencies and Digital euro)

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