New Essays on David Hume

A cura di: Emilio Mazza, Emanuele Ronchetti

New Essays on David Hume

Pages: 480

ISBN: 9788846483362

Edition: 1a edizione 2007

Publisher code: 496.1.65

Availability: Nulla

New Essays on David Hume presents a collection of contributions from eminent scholars who cover a wide range of Humean topics: philosophy, politics, religion and history. In winter 1967 the Italian philosopher Mario Dal Pra edited an international special issue of the "Rivista di storia della filosofia" entirely devoted to Hume. After forty years, this new collection provides a new assessment. The volume is divided into four sections. The first opens with the question of naturalism and closes with scepticism. Moral philosophy is at the heart of the second section, which also deals with the relation between Hume and Hutcheson. The third spans from the History of England and how it was appropriated by de Maistre and Constant, to the American reception of Hume's work and its connection with American deism. The last section is devoted to the presentation of recent Humeana: the new scholarly edition of the Treatise and two edited volumes on Hume and on his European reception.
Critical trends and fashions in Hume scholarship keep changing, and their complexity and richness should be valued. Contemporary scholarship shows a keener taste for specialization than it used to at the beginning of the last century. It has proved itself capable of treading new ground, enlarging our view and multiplying our impressions without renouncing depth and accuracy. This volume is a good reflection of the vividness and diversity of today's scholarship.

Emilio Mazza teaches History of Philosophy at the Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione in Milano.
Emanuele Ronchetti is Professor in History of Philosophy at the Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione in Milano.

Contributors: Annette C. Baier, Flavio Baroncelli, Martin Bell, Alix Cohen, Roger L. Emerson, Marina Frasca-Spada, James A. Harris, Dale Jacquette, Peter Jones, Peter J.E. Kail, Catherine Kemp, Emilio Mazza, James Moore, David Fate Norton, Mary J. Norton, Charles Pigden, Emanuele Ronchetti, Ian Simpson Ross, Mark G. Spencer, M.A. Stewart, Luigi Turco, John P. Wright.

Emilio Mazza, Emanuele Ronchetti, Foreword
Of the understanding
John P. Wright, Kemp Smith and the two kinds of naturalism in Hume's Philosophy
Marina Frasca-Spada, Simple perceptions in Hume's Treatise
Catherine Kemp, Contrariety in Hume
P.J.E. Kail, Leibniz's dog and humean reason
Dale Jacquette, Hume on the infinite divisibility of extension and exact geometrical values
Emilio Mazza, In and out of the well: flux and reflux of scepticism and nature
Of morals and criticism
James Moore, The eclectic stoic, the mitigated skeptic
Luigi Turco, Hutcheson and Hume in a recent polemic
Charles Pigden, Hume, motivation and "the moral problem"
James A. Harris, Hume's four essays on happiness and their place in the move from morals to politics
Roger L. Emerson, Hume and art: reflections on a man who could not hear, sing or look
Flavio Baroncelli, Rawls and Hume: a fable
Of history, politics, and religion
Annette C. Baier, Hume's excellent hypocrites
Mark G. Spencer, Hume's reception in eighteenth-century Philadelphia
M.A. Stewart, Hume in the service of American deism
Ian Simpson Ross, The intellectual friendship of David Hume and Adam Smith
Emanuele Ronchetti, Appropriating Hume: Joseph de Maistre, Benjamin Constant and the "History of England"
Martin Bell, The natural history of religion
Hume novelties
David Fate Norton, Mary J. Norton, A preview of the Clarendon Edition of a Treatise of human nature
Peter Jones, Outside the charmed circle: impressions of Hume
Alix Cohen, The making of a philosophical classic: the reception of David Hume in Europe
Index of names.

Contributors: Flavio Baroncelli, Martin Bell, Alix Cohen, Roger L. Emerson, David Fate Norton, Marina Frasca Spada, James A. Harris, Dale Jacquette, Peter Jones, P.J.E. Kail, Catherine Kemp, James Moore, Mary J. Norton, Charles Pigden, Ian Simpson Ross, Mark G. Spencer, M.A. Stewart, Luigi Turco, John P. Wright

Serie: Filosofia e scienza nell'età moderna e contemporanea

Subjects: History of Modern Philosophy - Hermeneutics

Level: Scholarly Research

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