Partnership experiences against urban poverty

Avsi Associazione Volontari per il servizio internazionale

A cura di: Walter Maffenini

Partnership experiences against urban poverty

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9788846446473

Edition: 1a edizione 2003

Publisher code: 2000.1028

Availability: Discreta

Upon the approval of the Habitat II Agenda in Istanbul, in June 1996, the international community set two main goals: an adequate house for everybody and sustainable human settlements in an increasingly urban world.

By this publication, gathering the witnesses and experiences presented by the actors involved in development at the Seminar held in San Marino from the 23rd to the 25th of August 2000, AVSI intends to highlight two basic conditions in the implementation of this process: a new relationship between all the stakeholders: people, institutions, civil society, private companies, development banks, funding Countries and developing Countries; a method of intervention for the inclusion of informal urban areas considering all the factors of human wealth.

Experience proves that the most effective and stable results are based on an extended participation and on the partnership among all the stakeholders, enhancing the initiatives born out of society.

Walter Maffenini is a member of the team of academics collaborating with AVSI. He has a degree in Political Science and obtained a Master in Demography at the Catholic University of Louvain. He is a teacher of Statistics and Social Statistics at the School of Economics of the Milan Bicocca University. Walter Maffenini is an expert of statistical methods for the analysis and evaluation of social trends.

AVSI (Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale) is an international not-for-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in Italy in 1972. AVSI promotes cultural, social and economic development according to Catholic social teaching, especially in the developing nations and countries. AVSI acts as an international network linking 24 associated NGOs. It holds the General Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York.

Walter Maffenini, Editor's note
Introductory Papers
Rubens Recupero, The last developed countries and the international poverty trap
Maria Teresa Gatti, Enrico Novara, The Real City. Methods and actions implemeted by AVSI to upgrade informal urban areas
Part I. Africa and Latin America: Best Practices
Catherine Akumu Mavenjia, People with HIV and Youth in Especially Difficult Circumstances Can Contribute to Their Own Development
Rose Busingye, The "Meeting Point" in the Slum: a Presence Among Sick People and Outcast Youth
Edgar Villanueva Nuñez, Relationship Between Local Government and International Corporation Agencies
Antonio Hernando Redondo, Work experiences in Andahuaylas
Sonia Fontes, Environmental Sanitation and Socioeconomic Development of Informal Settlements
Mario Gordilho, Urban Upgrading in Salvador de Bahia
Arturo Alberti, Lessons from Practices in Africa and Latin America
Part II. Experiences and Programs in Cities
Elena Rasino Elida, Experiences from the City of Rosario, Argentina
Vilma Reyes de Castellano, Experiences from the City of Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Gloria Jaramillo, Experiences from the City of Lima, Peru
Part III. Development Agents: Synergies Among Different Stakeholders
Enrico Novara, The Role of Civil Society
Maria Teresa Gatti, The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
Nemat T. Shafik, The Role of the World Bank in Addressing Urban Poverty
Oscar De Rojas, The Role of the United Nations and other International Institutions in Development Financing
Vincenzo Petrone, Italian Perspectives on the Role of the Role of National Governments
Francis Xavier K. Lubanga, Ugandan Perspectives on the Role on National Governments
Olga Menendez, Perspectives from Honduras on the Role of National Governments
Gabriele Gatti, Perspectives from the Republic of San Marino on the Role of Small Nations in Poverty Reduction Programs
Ezio Castelli, Creating Synergy Among International Organizations, National Governments and Civil Society
Part IV. Dreams and Hopes Become Reality: Comparing Programs
Loredana Stalteri, Introduction
Mark Hildebrand, Cities Alliance Partnership Activities
Marc Rimez, The Urb-Al Program of the European Commission
Luciano Carrino, Italian Cooperation Against Poverty and Social Exclusion
Paolo Lembo, Rebuilding Local Governments After Conflicts
Maurizio Sacconi, Training and Job creation in Urban Areas
Loredana Stalteri, Final consideration
Arturo Alberti, General Conclusions.

Contributors: Arturo Alberti, Rose Busingye, Luciano Carrino, Ezio Castelli, Oscar De Rojas, Sonia Fontes, Maria Teresa Gatti, Gabriele Gatti, Mario Gordilho, Mark Hildebrand, Gloria Jaramillo, Paolo Lembo, Francis Xavier Lubanga, Catherine Akumu Mavenjina, Olga Menendez, Enrico Novara, Vincenzo Petrone, Elena Rasino Elida, Rubens Recupero, Antonio Hernando Redondo, Vilma Reyes de Castellano, Marc Rimez, Maurizio Sacconi, Nemat T. Shafik, Loredana Stalteri, Edgar Villanueva Nunez

Serie: Varie

Subjects: Development Cooperation, North-South Relationships, Emigration - Policies and Social Services

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