This paper is divided into two parts. The first traces the conceptual development of because motives, while simultaneously endeavouring to grasp the notion of the unconscious revealed in Schutz’s analysis. The author refers to Leibniz’s theory of petites perceptions and Freud’s theory of the unconscious; theories whose respective characteristics are somehow compared, integrated and thus juxtaposed with the characteristics of because motives. The second part of the paper raises the question why Schutz, in his analysis of motives and unconscious behaviour, does not refer to Husserl’s conception of the unconscious

Luigi Muzzetto

Introduction to the problem of relevance


Fascicolo: 124 / 2021

The author’s aim is to provide some key introductory points to the reading of the topic of relevance. First, it should be stressed that the system of relevance provides access to all the «places» of Schutz’s analyses, from the world of life to the theory of action, whether they concern the methodological, theoretical or «applied theory» dimensions. Moreover, the system of relevance can be understood as the pivot on which the entire Schutz’s interpretative paradigm rotates. The system of relevance contains, at various degrees of articulation, the mechanism of the construction-interpretation of experience based on the principle of the «selective character of the spirit». Although the system (and the process that concerns it) is always understood as unitary, it is distinguished, for heuristic reasons, in three sub-systems: thematic, interpretative, motivational. Each of these, in turn, is articulated dichotomously into imposed versus intrinsic or «voluntary» relevance. The system thus manages to fathom deeply the different traits of the constitutive of experience.

Andrea Salvini, Joseph Kotarba

The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

Vol. I. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pisa 2010

This collection of keynote addresses by some of the most important and influential interactionists anywhere illustrates well the strengths as well as the promise of a truly international Symbolic Interactionism, and shows the vitality of the perspective in the present social sciences.

cod. 1520.719.1

Francesca Sacchetti

Forme dell'esperienza e ambivalenza del senso

Soggetto e campo fenomenico

Il volume analizza le prospettive teoriche di Alfred Schütz e Aron Gurwitsch, mettendone in risalto i punti di contatto e le similitudini, ma concentrandosi soprattutto sugli scarti, sulle differenze, e indicando gli sbocchi cui conducono i due percorsi nonché la loro rilevanza all’interno del più vasto panorama sociologico.

cod. 1944.27

Riccardo Venturini

La terza via di Cicourel

Le radici della sociologia cognitiva tra fenomenologia sociologica ed etnometodologia

Il pensiero di Aaron V. Cicourel: la temperie culturale da cui sorge, le convergenze, i contatti, le differenze con le correnti sociologiche contigue. L’analisi sviluppa in particolare i temi metodologici della sociologia fenomenologica di Schütz e della prima etnometodologia di Garfinkel. L’evoluzione del pensiero di Cicourel pone al centro un tema fondamentale delle scienze sociali, quello del soggetto come costruttore del mondo sociale.

cod. 1944.30