Rivista interdisciplinare di studi giuridici, psicologici, pedagogici e sociali sulla relazione fra minorenni e giustizia

4 issues per year, ISSN 1121-2845 , ISSNe 1972-5221

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 28.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 24.50

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Promoted by the Italian Juvenile and Family Judges Association (Associazione italiana dei magistrati per i minorenni e per la famiglia)
This inter-disciplinary journal was founded in 1992 by the Italian Juvenile and Family Judges Association (Associazione italiana dei magistrati per i minorenni e per la famiglia) with the aim of analysing and examining the relationship between minors and justice and the implications and consequences of this relationship and the effects it has on subjects in developmental age. To this end, Minorigiustizia hosts a necessary exchange, involving the magistrature and everyone, at whatever level, involved in the tutelage of minors - psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists, infant neuro-psychiatrists, social workers - in the belief that an inter-disciplinary approach to the subject of juvenile justice guarantees the practicality and usefulness of the reflections. Over the years, the journal has dealt with themes that have become increasingly debated and heartfelt. The following subjects have been addressed: sexual abuse of minors, marital separation, the training of juvenile magistrates, the culture of punishment/redress, foster care, and adoption. Ample space has also been given to the debate concerning bio-ethics and the legislative and psychological implications of assisted reproduction. In each issue, the journal contains a dossier dedicated to a single subject and several columns, including: "Minors on the Front Page" ("Minori in prima pagina"), "Judicial and Social Experiences" ("Minori in prima pagina"), a "Jurisprudence Review" ("Rassegna di giurisprudenza") and a "News Bulletin" ("Notiziario").
The Italian Juvenile and Family Judges Association (Associazione italiana dei magistrati per i minorenni e la famiglia) promotes the editorial catagolgue Puer. Each issue is mono-thematic with dedicated contributions from jurists, psychologists, sociologists, journalists and social workers. The catalogue's objective is to provide an ample, articulated and inter-disciplinary platform for the subjects covered.

General editor: Francesco Vitrano.
Associate editors: Joëlle Long, Leonardo Luzzatto, Maria Francesca Pricoco.
Scientific board: Daniela Bacchetta, Valerio Belotti, Roberto Beneduce, Biancamaria Biancardi, Magda Brienza, Giuseppina Carpina, Francesco Paolo Casavola, Rosalinda Cassibba, Cesare Castellani, Melita Cavallo, Elisa Ceccarelli, Paolo Cendon, Adolfo Ceretti, Grazia Ofelia Cesaro, Luigi Ciotti, Anna Coppola De Vanna, Fulvia D’Elia, Maria De Luzemberger, Ferruccio De Salvatore, Loredana di Natale, Santo Di Nuovo, Paolo Dusi, Patrizia Esposito, Luciano Eusebi, Luigi Fadiga, Anna Rosa Favretto, Piergiorgio Ferreri, Susanna Galli, Lazzaro Gigante, Glauco Giostra, Rosa Giusti, Riccardo Greco, Enrico Iraso, Laura Laera, Elisabetta Lamarque, Giuseppe Latilla, Leonardo Lenti, Paola Lovati, Cristina Maggia, Alfio Maggiolini, Giuseppe Magno, Vittoria Anna Manolio, Paolo Martinelli, Roberto Maurizio, Francesco Mazza Galanti, Claudia Mazzucato, Lorenzo Miazzi, Francesco Micela, Paola Milani, Valeria Montaruli, Francesco Montecchi, Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Joseph Moyersoen, Serafino Nosengo, Franco Occhiogrosso, Barbara Ongari, Carmelo Padalino, Federico Palomba, Vania Patané, Piercarlo Pazé, Davide Petrini, Armando Rossini, Maria Teresa Rotondaro, Maria Giovanna Ruo, Ugo Sabatello, Augusto Sabatini, Fulvio Scaparro, Chiara Scivoletto, Piera Serra, Giuseppe Spadaro, Luciano Spina, Michele Termine, Gabriella Tomai, Giuliana Tondina, Imerio Tramis, Luciano Trovato, Paolo Valerio, Maria Rita Verardo, Susanna Vezzadini, Luca Villa, Monica Vitolo, Angelo Zappulla, Umberto Zingales.

The texts to be published and the works to be reviewed can be sent by ordinary or electronic mail to one of the members of the Management or Editorial Committees or to the following email address minorigiustizia@aimmf.it

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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 11, Area 12, Area 14
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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact towards scholars and pratictioners involved with the protection of minors.

Issue 4/2017