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The decision-making process for infrastructural investment choices

A cura di: Elisabetta Venezia

The decision-making process for infrastructural investment choices

The book covers several aspects related to the main topic of infrastructural investment choices, particularly linked to the decision-making process through which investments are selected. Authors analyze several case studies to show how it is possible to utilize theoretical suggestions in practical applications, thus identifying current difficulties and detecting possible tools to overcome them.

Pages: 360

ISBN: 9788835102564

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 380.401

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The book covers several aspects related to the main topic of infrastructural investment choices, particularly linked to the decision-making process through which investments are selected.
The volume illustrates and critically analyses methodological issues, from the most traditional to the most recent ones, in order to emphasize the pros and cons connected with investment decisions with several references to economic activities, particularly to the transport sector. It poses a range of problems related to institutional structures, decision-making processes, available tools, and methodologies used for supporting investment choices.
Authors analyze several case studies to show how it is possible to utilize theoretical suggestions in practical applications, thus identifying current difficulties and detecting possible tools to overcome them.

Elisabetta Venezia
, Ph.D., researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics and Finance. She teaches Transport Economics, Economics of Transport Mobility and Economic Evaluation of Investments in UG and PG courses. Her research activity is mainly concentrated in the following topics: sustainable transport, economic evaluation of transport infrastructures, costs and benefits analysis, equity in the transport sector services and infrastructures, travel behavior. She is the author of more than 80 publications. She is the coordinator/component of several research projects groups at national and international levels. She is an active referee of several scientific journals. She has been a consultant of several Ministries and Local Authorities as a senior economist in the transport economics field. She is an independent scientific expert for the scientific evaluation of the Italian research (REPRISE) for the Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (MIUR). She is also a component of the Italian Evaluation Body (O.I.V.).

1 st Part. Financial and economic aspects of public infrastructure investments
Fabio Pizzutilo, Analysing public infrastructure investment using a real option approach
Francesco Grimaldi, Financial engineering instruments in support of infrastructure investments. A case study
Athena Roumboutsos, Hans Voordijk, Ibsen Chivata Cardenas, Iosif Karousos, Business models for transport infrastructure assets? Some experiences in Europe
2 nd Part. Decision making in the transport sector
Rosário Macário, Tracing factors for quality of decision in transport infrastructure investment
Ennio Cascetta, Armando Cartenì, Marcello Montanino, Decision-making processes in transportation planning: a taxonomy and four theoretical models
Elisabetta Venezia, The investment decision process: how to formulate priorities in the transport sector
Betty Agnani, Henry Aray, Public infrastructure allocation criteria: the role of partisan alignment
Angelo Santo Luongo, The influence of transport infrastructure plan scenario assessments at regional level on investment sustainability: an evidence-based approach to the selection
3 rd Part. Geo-economic aspects of transport infrastructures
Olja Cokorilo, The development of the Serbian air transport infrastructure
Rosalina Grumo, Local production system and transport: the strategic role of the territory
Antonietta Ivona, Infrastructures and commercial alliances. Geoeconomics of a project
4 th Part. Sustainable investments, financing and funding investments, mega-projects, dynamic analysis of transport infrastructure productivity
Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli, Connected autonomous shared electric vehicles: current trends
Inna V. Mitrofanova, Victoria V. Batmanova, Inna A. Ryabova (Mitrofanova), Implementation of mega-projects for the development of problematic territories of Siberia and Ural of Russia
Mariateresa Gattullo, Mobility and sustainability: processes, routes and places
Antonella Rinella, Francesca Rinella, Energy, international geopolitical scenarios and local contexts: the case of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)
Paola Gaudio, Infrastructures and translation as relational entities.

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