"Peaceful Tomorrows": American Pacifism among the World Trade Center Ruins

Author/s Francesco Consiglio
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 35 P. 99-133 File size 295 KB
DOI 10.3280/MON2016-001004
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Did the historical caesura of 9/11 represent a breaking point and a key driver in the evolution of pacifism in the United States? Starting from the aforementioned question and analyzing first-hand documents, the author reconsiders the evolution of the peace movement in the United States from the time immediately after 9/11 until the autumn 2002. Through only one year, the American citizens were in-volved in a series of dramatic challenges: 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and the Pa-triot Act. How was it possible to talk about peace in the aftermath of 9/11? Who did so? Which transformations characterized this new phase? Was the movement against war in Iraq rooted in the complex experience of the 2001 events? Working on a topic that has not yet been the object of rigorous historical analysis, the au-thor gives his answer to all these questions, focusing on the cases of Answer Coali-tion and Peaceful Tomorrows.

Keywords: Pacifism after 11 September 2001, United States, Afghanistan war, US pacifism; Peaceful Tomorrows, Answer Coalition

Francesco Consiglio, "Peaceful Tomorrows": il pacifismo statunitense tra le macerie del World Trade Center in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 1/2016, pp 99-133, DOI: 10.3280/MON2016-001004