Rivista di storia contemporanea

3 issues per year, ISSN 1120-0650 , ISSNe 1972-5493

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 27.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 23.50

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The numbers published from 1982 to 2000 are available on the website www.passatoepresente.itt

Among the many Italian journals dedicated to contemporary history, Past and Present (Passato e presente) stands out on account of several fundamental cultural choices it has made, choices which have ensured it success since its foundation in 1982. First of these choices was a refusal to adopt any ideological outlook - this manifests itself in the rigour of the research, in the journal’s continuous tackling of the latest topics and methodologies to arise in international historiography, and in its severe take on the political use of history, a use which has been widely adopted by the mass media and which contributes to the creation of an uncritical ‘communal sense’. Open to diverse historiographic approaches, the journal does not deny the inevitable subjectivity of judgement and, therefore, the civil commitment that distinguishes the historian from the purely erudite scholar. Another characteristic feature is the periodisation the journal has chosen. Past and Present seeks to respond to the reduction of contemporary history to the history of the 20th century, a tendency that is taking hold in schools and which risks becoming a simplification that rides roughshod over historic problems. The journal, however, identifies the roots of the contemporary world in the great economic, social, political and cultural processes that were set off at the end of the 18th century by the Industrial Revolution in England and the French Revolution. These cultural choices are also reflected in the rich articulation of features, which make Past and Present a ‘constructed’ journal at every level. The Editorial calls for a historical context to current issues and Discussions hosts an exchange between diverse voices on topics deemed relevant; Essays (Saggi) offers results of Italian and foreign research, while the Contemporary Historians (Storici contemporanei) section focuses on the relationship between the historian’s work and the context in which he/she operates. Considerable space is also given to critiques of international production and the issue of how history is presented by the mass media and in exhibitions, and how it is produced for schools. The result is a journal which as well as boasting illustrious names is capable of speaking, through articles of varying importance and readability, to students, teachers and a wider audience of history enthusiasts.

Editor in chief: Gabriele Turi (Università di Firenze)
General Editor: Francesca Tacchi (Università di Firenze)
Coordination Committee: Roberto Bianchi (Università di Firenze); Philip Cooke (Strathclyde University, Glasgow); Valeria Galimi (Università di Firenze); Stefano Petrungaro (Università di Venezia)
Editorial board: Andrea Borelli (Università di Pisa); Giovanni Borgognone (Università di Torino); Stefano Bottoni (Università di Firenze); Marco Bresciani (Università di Firenze); Carolina Castellano (Università Federico II, Napoli); Massimo Cattaneo (Università Federico II, Napoli); Pietro Causarano (Università di Firenze); Monica Galfre (Università di Firenze); Bianca Gaudenzi (Deutsches Historisches Institut, Roma-Libera Università di Bolzano); Lorenzo Kamel (Università di Torino); Stefano Luconi (Università di Padova); Silvano Montaldo (Università di Torino); Xose Manoel Nunez Seixas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela); Elena Papadia (Università La Sapienza, Roma); Alessio Petrizzo (Università di Bari); Camillo Robertini (Università di Bergamo); Raffaella Sarti (Università di Urbino); Luisa Tasca (Libera Università di Bolzano)
Advisory scientific board: Aldo Agosti (Università di Torino); Frederic Attal (Universitè Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes); Chiara Beccalossi (University of Lincoln); Giacomo Bonan (Università di Torino); Antonio Costa Pinto (Universidade de Lisboa); Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti (Università di Pisa); Gerd Rainer Horn (SciencesPo, Paris); Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary University of London); Lutz Klinkhammer (Deutsches Historisches Institut, Roma); Marc Lazar (SciencesPo, Paris); Gianpasquale Santomassimo (Università di Siena); Stephen Smith (University of Oxford); Luciano Segreto (Università di Firenze); Simonetta Soldani (Università di Firenze); Philipp Ther (Universitàt Wien); Enzo Traverso (Cornell University, New York); Alessandro Tuccillo (Università di Torino); Gabriele Turi (Università di Firenze); Marta Verginella (Università di Lubiana)
Editorial board: Editors : Lorenzo Venuti (Università di Bologna) coordinatore; Giacomo Carmagnini (Università di Firenze); Michele di Giorgio (Università di Siena) Redazione multimediale: Edoardo Molinelli (Università di Perugia) responsabile sito web; Francesco Maccelli (Università di Siena); Silvia Banci (Università di Firenze)

Contacts: Passato e presente (prof. Francesca Tacchi), Dipartimento Sagas, via S. Gallo 10, 50129 Firenze
Association Amici di passato e presente (Apep):

All texts presented to the magazine, except for those included in Editorial Headlines, Discussions, Reviews, Reviews, and Other Judgments of the Non-referencing Board, are subject to double blind review

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Classified in Class A by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in: Medieval History, Modern History, Contemporary History, Philosophy

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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact towards an audience of academics, scholars and educators.

Issue 105/2018