Conflict Scenarios and Transitions

A cura di: Marco Modica, Davide Piacentino

Conflict Scenarios and Transitions

Opportunities and Risks for Regions and Territories

The Conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (AISRe) allowed scholars and policy makers to debate on the global issue of conflicts and transitions that are involving many regional economies worldwide. This book aims at increasing the understanding of how regions are navigating and responding to the complex array of challenges they face in a rapidly changing world.

Pagine: 330

ISBN: 9788835166535

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Codice editore: 11390.8

Informazioni sugli open access

The Conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (AISRe), held in September 2023 in Naples, allowed scholars and policy makers to debate on the global issue of conflicts and transitions that are involving many regional economies worldwide, especially in the Euro-Mediterranean area. This book, collecting some contributions that were presented during the conference, aims at increasing the understanding of how regions are navigating and responding to the complex array of challenges they face in a rapidly changing world. The book considers a broad specification of conflicts that are closely related to the idea of exogenous shocks and consequent transitions interpreted as adaptation strategies to those shocks. The book is structured in two parts. The first part presents seven papers dealing with 'conflicts' of different nature such as regional disparities and cohesion, respect of law and social norms, occupational safety and health, urban congestion, gendered sectoral segregation, natural disasters. The second part of this book presents eight papers focuses on different types of 'transitions' related, for example, to climate change and environment, energy, digitalization and innovation. The book, even if does not cover all global conflicts and local responses comprehensively, however it provides useful insights to the debate on how regions are confronting the profound and often unexpected changes brought about by disruptive challenges.

Marco Modica is Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the GSSI. He is deputy coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Regional Science and Economic Geography at the GSSI and member of the teaching committee of the Ph. D program Natural Hazard and Disaster Risk Reduction held by the Consortium REDI. He is Associate Editor of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications edited by Springer Nature and Heliyon edited by Elsevier.

Davide Piacentino is Full Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Palermo. He has been visiting scholar at University of Strathclyde and University of Sussex. He has published papers in leading journals such as Regional Studies, Spatial Economic Analysis, Papers in Regional Science, Geographical Analysis, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Population Space and Place, Journal of Technology Transfer.

Marco Modica, Davide Piacentino, Conflict Scenarios and Transitions. Opportunities and Risks for Regions and Territories
Part I. The Conflict Scenarios
Cristiana Fiorelli, Massimo Giannini, Barbara Martini, Regional Economic Convergence in the European Union
Alfredo Cartone, Domenica Panzera, Paolo Postiglione, The Spatial Dimension of Economic Inequality in Italy
Amedeo Argentiero, Paolo Maranzano, Gianluca Monturano, Giulio Pedrini, Self-employment and Tax Evasion:A Descriptive Analysis of Italian Provinces
Ugo Finardi, Occupational Safety and Health, Society and Research:A Bibliometric Exploration of National Cases
Davide Lunardon, Carlo Caporali, Polycentric Urban Regions in Italy. A Novel Assessment
Barbara Martini, Regional Gendered Sectoral Segregation in the EU.Is Regional Specialization
a Gender Segregation Trap?
Diego D'Adda, Davide Di Marcoberardino, Donato Iacobucci, Francesco Perugini, Shattered Ground: How the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Reshaped Business and Jobs
Part II. Transitions
Adriana C. Pinate, Martina Dal Molin, Maria Giovanna Brandano, The Geography of Green Innovation in Italy
Vincenzo Provenzano, Maria Rosaria Seminara, Sustainable Rural Development andTerritorial Intelligence Innovation
Roberta Cipriano, Antonella D'Agostino, Sergio Longobardi, Andrea Regoli, Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater: Consequencesof Covid-19 on the ICT Readiness of Italian Teachers
Chiara Agnoletti, Claudia Ferretti, Leonardo Piccini, Digitalization As a Way to Repopulate Peripheral Areas? Some Evidences From the Italian Case
Francesca Allegra, Paola F. Cortese, Graziella Fusaro, The Main Evidence of Climate Change in Capital Cities
Sara Turchetti, Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Piccini, Leonardo Ghezzi, Renato Paniccià, Detecting the Exposure of theItalian Regional Food Systems to Climate Shocks
Irene Bosco, Giovanni Canitano, The Energy Transition in Europe and MENA Countries: An Exploratory Analysis On the Main Energy Sources Demands and Supplies
Emna Kanzari, Stefano Fricano, Gioacchino Fazio, Analysing the Energy Stocks Dynamics in European Countries Under An Energy Transition Framework

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