Issue 105/2014
- Alberta Andreotti, Neighbourhoods in the globalized world
- Christine Barwick, Beyond the deficit perspective: family ties and residential choice of upwardly mobile turkish-germans
- Heike Hanhörster, "You Feel At Home Where You Take Root": Neighbourhood Choice And Sense Of Belonging Of Turkish Middle-Class Households
- Roberta Marzorati, Neighbour Relations In The Socially And Ethnically Diverse Centre Of A Northern Italian Town: The Role Of Housing Conditions
- Juliana Martins, Manufacturing Encounters: Events, Social Interaction, And Neighborhood Space In Tech City
- Felipe Link, Social Networks And Urban Structure: From Local Integration To Metropolitan Isolation In Santiago De Chile
- Eduardo Marques, The Spatial Dimensions Of Personal Networks Among Poor Urban São Paulo and Salvador
- Marco Castrignanò, Alessandra Landi, Urban Resilience And Neighbourhood Approach: Some Insights From Transition Town Movement
- Antonietta Mazzette, Public Spaces between the need of Safety and Privatization: a research on Italian cities
- Maurizio Bergamaschi, Biblioteca e produzione di spazio pubblico. (S. Paugam, C. Giorgetti, des pauvres à la bibliothèque. Enquête au centre Pompidou, Paris, 2013)
- Pia De Rubertis, Daniela Ciaffi, Recensioni
- A cura della Redazione, Abstract
Issue 104/2014
- Alessandra Olivi, Il laboratorio urbano della città mediterranea (The Urban Laboratory of Mediterranean City)
- i Giner Josepa Cucó, En aras de la globalización neoliberal: los barrios del water front de Valencia
- Maria Elena Buslacchi, Né pubblico né privato: lo spazio comune nel mediterraneo. Il caso di marsiglia, capitale europea della cultura 2013 (Neither Public nor Private: Common Space around the Mediterranean Sea. The Casestudy of Marseille, European Capital of Culture 2013,)
- Mehmet Baris Kuymulu, Growth and revolt: resisting urban redevelopment in turkey
- Yannis Kallianos, The (il)legitimate city; spatiotemporal approaches of legitimacy and social change in Athens at times of crisis
- Georgia Alexsandri, Processi di gentrification e paure urbane ad Atene durante la crisi (Gentrification and Urban Fears in Athens at times of Crisis)
- Jorge Sequera, Michael Janoschka, Politiche di gentrification nel centro storico di Madrid: creatività, produzione culturale e commercio al dettaglio (The Politics of Gentrification in the Historic Centre of Madrid: Creativity, Cultural Production and Retail)
- Antonin Margier, L’appropriation des espaces publics par les personnes sans-abri, entre contraintes et elaboration d’un «chez-soi» (The Appropriation of Public Spaces by Homeless, between Stresses and Develop a «chez-soi»)
- Giovanni Pieretti, Marianna Brizzi, Tra ricreazione e formazione: il caso dei centri giovani della provincia di Bolzano (Between Recreation and Training: the Case of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Youth Centres)
- A cura della Redazione, Recensioni
- A cura della Redazione, Abstract
Issue 103/2014
- Giandomenico Amendola, La sociologia urbana e l’incerta relazione con la domanda
- Marco Castrignanò, Struttura sociale e cultura della povertà: per un approccio contestualista (Social Structure and Culture of Poverty: for a Contextual Approach)
- Herbert Gans, Sulla dicotomia cultura vs struttura (Against Culture versus Structure)
- David J. Harding, Peter Hepburn, Cultural mechanisms in neighborhood effects research in the united states (Cultural Mechanism in Neighborhood Effects Research in the United States)
- Marco Alberio, Growing up and living in a poor neighbourhood: A comparative perspective on the neighbourhood effects In Paris and Milan (Growing Up and Living in a Poor Neighborood: a Comparative Perspective on the Neighborood Effects in Paris and Milan)
- Luca Daconto, Living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: only negative Effects? The role of the spatial dimension in the French urban sensible areas.
- Laura Bovone, Quartieri di periferia e capitale culturale creolo: una prospettiva per Milano (Peripherical Districts and Creole Cultural Capital: a Perspective for Milan)
- Niccolò Cuppini, La città dopo la città? (D. Harvey, Città ribelli, il Saggiatore, 2013) (The City After the City)
- A cura della Redazione, Recensioni
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts