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Design Meets Alterity

A cura di: Salvatore Zingale

Design Meets Alterity

Case Studies, Project Experiences, Communication Criticism

The QUESTION OF ALTERITY has become fundamental to understanding contemporary societies, which are increasingly multicultural, multiethnic and intersectional. Today, it is legitimate to think that the design dimension can also undertake research paths that highlight THE NEED TO RECOGNISE THE OTHER: from migratory flows to gender cultures, from social fragility to mental health, from cultural distances to the difficulties of social integration, etc. This is the direction in which the essays in this volume are heading.

Pagine: 234

ISBN: 9788835164180

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Codice editore: 10313.5

Informazioni sugli open access

The QUESTION OF ALTERITY has become fundamental to understanding contemporary societies, which are increasingly multicultural, multiethnic and intersectional. That which is OTHER poses questions that one is not used to answering, poses itself as a term of contradiction, questioning established certainties and beliefs.
Alterity is a field yet to be explored, especially when one wants to move from theoretical reflection, inevitable and necessary, to transformative praxis.
Reflection on alterity leads to the ABANDONMENT OF ALL FORMS OF CENTRALISM. Acceptance of a culture based on the recognition of alterity and mutual responsibility requires overcoming anthropocentrism and androcentrism, but also Eurocentrism and logocentrism, that is, the domination of some forms of communication and signification over all others. Today, it is legitimate to think that the design dimension can also undertake research paths that highlight THE NEED TO RECOGNISE THE OTHER: from migratory flows to gender cultures, from social fragility to mental health, from cultural distances to the difficulties of social integration, etc. This is the direction in which the essays in this volume are heading. Design culture has the right tools to promote innovative and open visions of relations between people, peoples, and languages.

Salvatore Zingale is Associate Professor at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano and teaches Design Semiotics at the School of Design. He is particularly interested in the cognitive and inventive processes of design activity and dialogicity in cultural interactions. On the relationship between design and alterity, he has edited Design e alterità. Conoscere l'Altro, pensare il Possibile (FrancoAngeli, 2022) and the volume Relazioni dialogiche. Un'indagine sulla comunicazione e la progettualità (FrancoAngeli, 2023).

Design Meets Alterity
Salvatore Zingale, Design and Alterity: a Dialogue to Be Built. Introduction
Case Studies, Project Experiences, Communication Criticism
Valeria Bucchetti, Media Representations, between Androcentrism and Alterity
Editorial Translations, Forms of Otherness | 30
Giovanni Baule, Elena Caratti, Communication Design as Writing of the Other. The Cultural Turning Point of Independent Magazines
Francesca Casnati, Michela Rossi, The Recognition of the Other through (Iconic) Language. Gender-sensitive Practices and Advice from and for Communication Design
Tommaso Elli, Gabriele Colombo, Beatrice Gobbo, Data, Algorithms and Otherness. The Erasure of the Other
Valentina Manchia, Beyond the Wall, Beyond the Object. Alternative Designs Verging on Alterity
Valentina Ferreri, Laura Galluzzo, The Queer City. Public Space and Alterity
Raffaella Trocchianesi, Otherness Museums. Designing New Cultural Experiences beyond Thematic and Cultural Borders
Cristina Voto, Life is AI Cabaret. Queering Alterity through Dataset Curation
Virginia Tassinari, Francesco Vergani, Embracing an "Idiotic" Approach to Design for a "complex we". The Case of the Nolo Situated Vocabulary
Francesca Mattioli, Silvia D. Ferraris, Designing with the Other. Collaboration and Plurality as a Growth Potential for Designers
Anna Anzani, Massimo Schinco, Reuse as an Ecological Approach to Otherness Design
Daniela Calabi,
The Landscape between Identity and Alterity. For an Atmosphere Design.

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