External audit and fair value measurements

Velia Gabriella Cenciarelli, Federica De Santis, Giulio Greco

External audit and fair value measurements

This book explores the external audit procedures and techniques applied to complex fair value measurements. It has a twofold objective. Firstly, it jointly examines key fair value measurements and prescriptions of the international auditing standards. Secondly, it provides an interpretation on how audit standards can be effectively applied to the review of fair value measurements.

Pages: 110

ISBN: 9788891766830

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Publisher code: 365.1177

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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This book explores the external audit procedures and techniques applied to complex fair value measurements. Fair value measurements represent a significant challenge for auditors due to their complexity and to their intrinsic subjectivity.
International auditing standards provide general guidelines, needing significant effort to be applied to the review of fair values, either under the IAS/IFRS and the US GAAP. This book has a twofold objective. Firstly, it jointly examines key fair value measurements and prescriptions of the international auditing standards. Secondly, it provides an interpretation on how audit standards can be effectively applied to the review of fair value measurements.
The first section studies the IFRS 13 focussing on the audit of the different fair value levels and on the audit of the valuation techniques. The second section deals with financial instruments, exploring in-depth the fair value measurements of financial assets and liabilities and their audit review. The third section focuses on the audit of fresh start accounting under the US GAAP. Fresh start accounting is a highly complex task, as it requires to measure all the assets and liabilities at fair value in the fresh start financial statements. The conclusion section emphasizes how external audit is crucial to limit the managerial accounting discretion. At the same time, it underlines that international auditing standards demand further development to codify existing knowledge on the audit of fair value measurements, as well as to provide improved guidance to auditors.

Velia Gabriella Cenciarelli
is Research Fellow at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa.

Federica De Santis
is Junior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa.

Giulio Greco
is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa.

Velia Gabriella Cenciarelli, Federica De Santis, Giulio Greco, Preface
Federica De Santis, Audit of fair value measurements under the IFRS 13
(Overview of the IFRS 13; Techniques for determining fair value; Inputs to valuation techniques and fair value hierarchy; Auditing fair value measurements; Disclosure requirements in the IFRS 13)
Giulio Greco, Financial instruments
(Overview of the fair value in the measurement of financial instruments under the IFRS 9; Audit of financial assets and liabilities at fair value; Key audit challenges and critical issues; A summary of the impact of IFRS 9 on accounting estimates and on related audit tasks; The disclosure requirements in the IFRS 7: an open window on the audit activity)
Velia Gabriella Cenciarelli, Fresh start accounting
(Financial reporting under Chapter 11: an overview; Financial reporting after the Chapter 11: fresh start accounting; Disclosure statement under fresh-start accounting; Fresh start auditing)

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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