Notes on Doctoral Research in Design.

A cura di: Luca Guerrini

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design.

Contributions from the Politecnico di Milano

The Politecnico of Milan was the first university in Italy to start a PhD degree program in industrial design in 1990, under the direction of Tomás Maldonado. After the direction of Ezio Manzini (1996-2009), Francesco Trabucco became the director of the program and focused his attention on the nature of design. This book collects the first results of this new direction.

Pages: 136

ISBN: 9788856835137

Edition: 1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 85.78

Availability: Buona

Pages: 136

ISBN: 9788856842371

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 85.78

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The Politecnico di Milano was among the first universities in Italy to start a PhD degree programme in Industrial design in 1990, under the direction of Tomás Maldonado. The very first years of its activity were devoted to strengthen the disciplinary core of design. Then, under the direction of Ezio Manzini (1996-2009) the accent was put on methodological aspects and theory, while the subjects of research were gradually expanded to cover those new fields that design was embracing, such as sustainability, services and interface design.
In 2009 Francesco Trabucco succeeded Manzini in the direction of the programme - now PhD in Design - and focused his attention on the nature of design, with its aesthetical, formal, performance and meaning values. In this sense the challenge has become to reconsider design activity, notably that related to practice, as the centre of investigation - in its processes, methodologies and outcomes. Since these values have been some of the main features of Italian design, this new path can be considered as an attempt to invigorate and renew our tradition.
This book collects the first results of this new direction of the research and educational programme.

Introduction by Francesco Trabucco; keynote lectures by Heitor Alvelos, Nigel Cross, Ilpo Koskinen, Chris Rust; contributions by Luca Guerrini, Paolo Volonté, Marco Maiocchi, Ezio Manzini, Silvia Pizzocaro, Silvia Ferraris, Lucia Rampino, Eleonora Lupo, Francesca Rizzo.

Luca Guerrini is a researcher at the Politecnico di Milano since 1993. Trained as an urban designer, he has carried out applied research and projects in the field of mobility, of environmental upgrading and of design for public spaces. He studies theoretical aspects related to the conception and perception of space in the relation between design and art. He teaches Interior design and History of contemporary art at the Faculty of Design both at bachelor and master level and is a member of the PhD programme in Design. He gave lectures in Master and PhD Courses, both in Italy and abroad. He has organised didactic exhibitions of design and architecture and has been an expert for the National Museum of Architecture in Ferrara, Italy, from 2000 to 2006. He took part in national and international competitions of architecture.

Francesco Trabucco, Research and Design, an introduction
Keynote Lectures
Heitor Alvelos, Too Much by Too Many? In search of a role for Design in 2010
Nigel Cross, Understanding Design Thinking
Ilpo Koskinen, Lab, Field, Showroom: Three Ways to Do Research Through Design
Chris Rust, Wicked Problems and Unstated Contributions
Luca Guerrini, A cultural shift: the role of Italian design in the doctoral programme approach
Paolo Volonté, Why Do Scientists Act the Way They Do?
Marco Maiocchi, Hard Research for a Soft Science
Ezio Manzini, Research and design knowledge
Silvia Pizzocaro, The in-progress status of doctoral research in design. Reflections from two decades of local doctoral research
Silvia Ferraris, Lucia Rampino, Strengthen the link between Doctoral Design Research and the Industrial System: opportunity and treats
Eleonora Lupo, For a practice-led PhD design research in action: "make a work that is viewed from the inside"
Francesca Rizzo, Co-design versus User Centred Design: framing the differences.

Contributors: Heitor Alvelos, Nigel Cross, Silvia Ferraris, Ilpo Koskinen, Eleonora Lupo, Marco Maiocchi, Ezio Manzini, Silvia Pizzocaro, Lucia Rampino, Francesca Rizzo, Chris Rust, Francesco Trabucco, Paolo Volontè

Serie: Serie di architettura e design

Subjects: Industrial Design

Level: Scholarly Research

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