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Design Research in the Digital Era.

A cura di: Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Design Research in the Digital Era.

Opportunities and implications. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2020

This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing digital transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology, are debated and how such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models.

Pages: 198

ISBN: 9788835100317

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 10319.4

Info about Open Access books

We are in a time of deep transformations, led by digital revolutions following one another. Such transformations, that are impacting our daily life, are not just technological, but also social and cultural. As a consequence, trends transversal to different fields are advancing, requiring the design field to be aware, responsive and, above all, predictive.
This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology and its applications, are debated. How and to what extent such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models? This is debated in the first and second part of the book. The third part taps into a growing but still underexplored issue, the ethics and social awareness that comes along in today's smart and interconnected world.

Lucia Rampino, PhD in Industrial Design, is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Design Department. Her core field of research is product design, with a focus on theories of design and the nature of design processes, in particular as they pertain to product innovation. Her recent attention has concentrated on the opportunities that smart and dynamic artefacts offer to the field of design for behavior change. She has taken part in various research projects and serves as a reviewer for both Design Journals and Conferences. Since 2009, she is on the Design PhD Faculty of Politecnico di Milano. In 2018 she has been appointed as the PhD Program vice-coordinator.

Ilaria Mariani
, PhD in Design, is Lecturer at the Design School, and postdoc Research Fellow at the Design Department, Politecnico di Milano. She designs and researches on interactive complex systems for communication and social innovation, focusing on assessing their impact on users. Her studies span among Communication Design, Game Studies and Interaction Design, covering Media Studies, Speculative Design and Sociology to varying degrees. On such topics, she has been taking part in national and international research projects, being also involved in organizing conferences and reviewing journals and conference papers.

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani, Designing in an era of transformation comes with responsibility Human-centered Design Practice
Human Resource Design
Martina Rossi, Steering human-centred innovation within private organizations
Milica Pavlovic, Designing for Ambient UX: Design Framework for Managing User Experience within Cyber-Physical Systems
Shushu He, Design For Intercultural Experience: A Design Framework within User Experience Approach
Digital Transformation
Carmen Bruno, Creativity 4.0. A method to explore the influences of the digital transition on human creativity within the design process
Arianna Bionda, Toward a Yacht Design 4.0. How the new manufacturing models and digital technologies [could] affect yacht design practices
Giovanni Profeta, Displaying open cultural collections. Interface characteristics for effective cultural content aggregators
Sara Conte, From Adriano Olivetti's project: Eduardo Vittoria. Research, drawing and design. New methods of representation to enhance modern architecture
Ethics and social awareness
Laura Varisco , Personal Interaction Design. Introducing into the Design Process the Discussion on the Consequences of the Use of Personal Information
Mario de Liguori, Delaying Obsolescence in Digital Products. Interdisciplinary Research through Emotionally Durable Design and Well-Being in the Z Generation
Trinh Bui, Alba Cappellieri, Design for Sustainability in Fashion.

Contributors: Arianna Bionda, Carmen Bruno, Trinh Bui, Alba Cappellieri, Sara Conte, Mario de Liguori, Shushu He, Milica Pavlovic, Giovanni Profeta, Martina Rossi, Laura Varisco

Serie: Design International - Open Access

Subjects: Architecture, Design, Art, Urban and Regional Studies

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