Child Abuse and Maltreatment: Interdisciplinary Journal

3 issues per year, ISSN 1591-4267 , ISSNe 1972-5140

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 30.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 25.00

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There are now many scholars, researchers and professionals in Italy concerned with child maltreatment and abuse - psychologists, doctors, judges, teachers, social workers, police, lawyers, etc., who, in their different professional fields and with their differing perspectives, come into daily contact with the problems of maltreated children requiring protective intervention. The subject raises many issues as well as theoretical and operational problems: how to prevent the onset of abuse; how to identify and record it; how to protect children; how to treat them; how to deal with the family crisis underlying the violence in order to safeguard, where possible, the rights of the child and parents to rebuild positive affective links; how to adopt adequate measures in cases where the original family is unable to look after the children. However, it is not just a question of knowing how to construct multi-disciplinary strategies which require the contribution and constant collaboration of different professionals and services, rather, it is, above all, about acquiring analytical tools and theoretical models in order to give sense and meaning to operational practices. Following the example of developments in European and extra-European contexts, Italy is witnessing a progressive development in empirical research, experimentation and clinical analysis across the various disciplines. The need to unify and provide a voice, in the form of a scientific and multi-disciplinary journal, to the analysis and work of the many Italian scholars, whilst also offering a forum for comparison and debate, are the reasons for the journal Maltrattamento e abuso all’infanzia. The intention is to cover scientifically important themes and to supply information on more advanced intervention techniques that can be used by professionals across various fields. The journal has been organized in such a way as to give space in every issue to a specific theme which constitutes the Focus section. We also envisage a section "Research, essays, review" to host scientific work on various subjects. The section "Brief reports: Research notes, Experiences, Law and relevant Documentation" will occasionally propose brief research reports based on the experiences of work groups, teams and services, as well as documents and laws to stimulate reflection on significant topics in the legal field, new legislative initiatives and laws already in force. The following are consistent with the outlook of the journal: work based on reviews of the literature; original quantitative empirical research; research based on meta-analysis; original qualitative contributions; presentations of models and theories; comments; critical reviews.

Article template

Honorary Editor: Paola Di Blasio (CRIdee, UCSC Milano, Italy).
Editor-in-Chief: Elena Camisasca (Università Telematica e-Campus Novedrate, CRIdee, Italy).
Associate Editors: Chiara Ionio (CRIdee, UCSC Milano, Italy), Luca Milani (CRIdee, UCSC Milano, Italy), Sarah Miragoli (CRIdee, UCSC Milano, Italy).
Section Editors: Lara Ferla (UCSC Milano, Italy); Michela Gardon (CBM-Melograno Milano, Italy).
Editorial Assistants: Vittoria Badino (UCSC Milano, Italy); Martina Cattani (UCSC Milano, Italy); Giulia Ciuffo (UCSC Milano, Italy).
Advisory Board: Grazia Attili (Università di Roma "Sapienza", Italy); Santo Di Nuovo (Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy); Giovanni Visci (CISMAI, Italy);
International Editorial Board: Vittoria Ardino (SISST, Italy); Anne Bogat (Michigan State University, USA); Vincenzo Caretti (Università di Roma LUMSA, Italy); Marina Calloni (Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Laura De Rui (Avvocato, Italy) Dominic McSherry (Ulster University, Northen Ireland); Dario Merlino (Cooperativa Paradigma, Torino, Italy); María José Rodrigo (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain); Maria Cristina Verrocchio (Università degli Studi di Chieti, Italy); Aldert Vrij (University of Portsmouth, UK); David A. Wolfe (University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada).

Editorial Office: Research Center on Developmental and Educational Dynamics (CRIdee), Catholic University of Milan, Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano Tel. 02/72342588 - 02/72343642; e-mail:

Each article will undergo examination, anonymously, by two experts. Of these only one could be a member of the scientific or editorial board. In the case of differing judgments between the first two reviewers, the work will be submitted to a third reviewer. The Editors and the Executive Editors may decide not to submit the work to any reviewer if the article is judged not in conformity with the journal ‘s stated aims . The reviewer’s evaluations will be sent to the Authors also if they are negative

Editorial Guidelines
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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 11, Area 12, Area 14
Classified in Class A by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in: Education and History of Education and Didactic, Inclusive Education and Educational Research

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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of scholars and practitioners: psychologists, educators, mental health professionals, teachers, judges, social workers, lawyers and all pratictioners involved with the protection of minors.

Issue 3/2017