
A cura di: Marta Elisa Cecchi, Clorinda Galasso


Designing a Neologism between Memories, Emotions and Atmospheres

This book is a collection of essays written by authors from different disciplinary and professional backgrounds, offering various points of view on Mnemosphere, which still does not have an unambiguous definition, drawing inspiration for considerations and insights: the interaction between the spheres of memories, emotions, and atmospheres.

Pagine: 276

ISBN: 9788835166153

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Codice editore: 10319.26

Informazioni sugli open access

This book is a collection of essays written by authors from different disciplinary and professional backgrounds, offering various points of view on Mnemosphere, which still does not have an unambiguous definition, drawing inspiration for considerations and insights. The portmanteau is nourished by the interaction between the spheres of memories, emotions, and atmospheres, also the sections into which the volume is divided. Its nature is mutable, metamorphic, open to continuous interpretation. What started as a university research project proves to be an engine of reflection and a design driver for multiple theoretical and applicative fields and disciplines. A new composite word becomes an active tool for culture and design. The nuanced essence of Mnemosphere, an entity without defined boundaries, is not a weak aspect but is embraced as one of the fundamental elements for the open and interdisciplinary encounter of themes and people around a common subject. From colour to photography, from aesthetics to the history of exhibition spaces, from the urban context to the concept of "emptiness", and even to the memory of places.

Mnemosphere is a neologism that enhances our ability to communicate the complex realities we live and experience. It contributes to design research, manifesting itself in a visual exhibition accessible to all, which interpretsits diverse conformations and meanings on an international level.

Marta Elisa Cecchi and Clorinda Sissi Galasso, Designing a neologism
Part I: MN - Memories
Clorinda Sissi Galasso, When places become mnemospheres. Communicating mnemotopes as fields of care
Anna Laviosa, Mnemosphere. A photographic gaze
Daniela Calabi, Atmosphere of landscapes and haptic feeling: an aesthetic sense for communication
Part II: EMO - Emotions
Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic, On the Colours of Memory and the Memory of Colours
Elisa Cordero-Jahr and Gonzalo Cerda-Brintrup, Valdivia, Chile: The Vestiges, Memory and Chromatic Atmosphere of A River City
Marcela Saa Espinoza, Memories of the youthful face: body and feelings in images
Part III: SPHERE - Atmospheres
Marta Elisa Cecchi, Mnemospheric archipelago. Towards an aesthetic approach to explore exhibit design culture
Claudia Mastrantoni, Atmo-spheres of Seamlessness
Ambra Borin, The Void empowering a Sense of Belonging within Inhabited Spheres
Open Call Visual Exhibition
Mnemosphere Atlas

Contributi: Ambra Borin, Daniela Anna Calabi, Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic, Gonzalo Cerda-Brintrup, Elisa Cordero-Jahr, Anna Laviosa, Claudia Mastrantoni, Marcela San Espinoza

Collana: Design International - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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