Industry 4.0.

Laura Bravi, Federica Murmura

Industry 4.0.

Additive Manufacturing as a New Digital Technology for Private and Businesses

Additive Manufacturing, together with the other enabling technologies of the Industry 4.0, has the potential ability to change the traditional concepts of manufacturing and the way in which the production is managed throughout its supply chain. This book analyzes the changes that the Industry 4.0 is making to the whole economic system focusing on the manufacturing technology of Additive Manufacturing and analyzing the Italian economic context of reference, in the wood-furniture manufacturing sector.

Pages: 316

ISBN: 9788891792747

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 365.1214

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The world has started to speak about a possible new revolution that would change radically the way in which the entire economic system will be managed: Additive Manufacturing (AM), together with the other enabling technologies of the Industry 4.0, has the potential ability to change the traditional concepts of manufacturing and the way in which the production is managed throughout its supply chain. This book, divided in four chapters analyzes the changes that the Industry 4.0 is making to the whole economic system focusing on the manufacturing technology of Additive Manufacturing and analyzing the Italian economic context of reference, in the wood-furniture manufacturing sector. It considers the supply side, that is the propensity of businesses to use 3D printers in the prototyping and subsequent production phase and the role of Fab Labs as mediators for the use of the technology between private consumers and businesses; the demand side and therefore Italian consumers knowledge of AM, 3D printing technologies and Fabrication Laboratories (Fab Labs), their perceptions about products made using 3D printers, their propensity to buy products made with these technologies and to use these ones to create their one products. Finally it considers also environmental aspects related to the "indoor air quality" that could be polluted by 3D printers due to the melting techniques of materials they use.

Laura Bravi is Research Fellow at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo where she is teaching assistant in Total Quality Management. She is author of several publications and reviewer for international journals.

Federica Murmura is Professor in Total Quality Management at the Department of Economics, Society, Politics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo. Her main research interests concern Management Quality Systems and consumer behaviour. She is coordinator in various research projects, author of several publications and reviewer for international journals.

Additive Manufacturing: is it the future?
(Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing; The road towards Additive Manufacturin; AM today: 3D printing in the digitalization of manufacturing; 3D printing: the size of the phenomenon; Additive Manufacturing: a change in companies' strategies and business models; Is there a need for standardization in Additive Manufacturing?; The future: 4D printing; References; Sitography)
Fabrication Laboratories: where 3D printing comes to life
(Digital Manufacturing and the International Maker Movement; Fabrication Laboratories; The Italian Economic Reality of Fab Labs; Fabrication Laboratories: The development of new business models with new digital technologies. An empirical analysis around Europe and America; References; Sitography)
AM perception in the Italian market: consumers and businesses
(Attitudes and Behaviours of Italian 3D Prosumer in the Era of Additive Manufacturing; Additive Manufacturing in the Wood-Furniture Sector; Paper 1: Sustainability of the Technology, Diffusion and Drivers of Adoption; Paper 2: Differences of Perception among Innovative and Traditional Companies; References)
Indoor Air Quality: is there a problem with Additive Manufacturing?
(The concept of Air Pollution; Indoor Air Quality; Indoor Air Quality: guidelines at an European and National level; The research: are 3D printing materials nocive for human health?; References; Sitography)
Appendix 1. Fab Labs' Questionnaire Survey (Europe and America)
Appendix 2. Fab Labs' Questionnaire Survey (Italy)
Appendix 3. 3D Consumers Questionnaire Survey
Appendix 4. 3D Companies Questionnaire Survey.

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Industrial Economics - Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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