Dreams, projects and desires.

Elisa Erriu, Mario Mazzoleni

Dreams, projects and desires.

The "Copan" genes

The book deals the Copan story, that is rather unique in its genre. In the hope of offering food for thought for those who aim to take on entrepreneurial projects, the book expounds a different business style, which in addition to various strategies, logic, and tools which, in time, gave Copan the chance to develop and leverage on what the three leaders and many co-protagonists were able to achieve.

Pagine: 152

ISBN: 9788891797346

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Codice editore: 1820.326

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

"I like to think that Copan's DNA, distinguished by the constant presence of heart and head, like all DNA will remain forever."Stefania Triva

The Copan story, in its genre, is rather unique. Incepted in 1979 as a family business, in its first 40 years it grew along a path which, in reality, recounts many stories within a story. In the hope of offering food for thought for those who aim to take on entrepreneurial projects, the book expounds a different business style, which in addition to various strategies, logic, and tools which, in time, gave Copan the chance to develop and leverage on what the three leaders and many co-protagonists were able to achieve.

Mario Mazzoleni is an Associate Professor of Business Management in the Brescia University where he directs the SMAE (School of Management and Advanced Education). A teacher of Business Management and Strategy, he directed the MBA of SDA Bocconi from 1992 to 2004, and today, the Master's program in Innovation and Business Management. He has always combined academic activities with consultancy, administration of businesses and financial institutions and is a member of the R & D scientific committees called "L'impresa," and "Azienda Pubblica," and of the Confindustria Scientific Consultancy Committee for small enterprises. He has authored many publications on managerial and administration themes and is a columnist for " Il Giornale di Brescia."

Elisa Erriu Her first stint was with the newspaper, Bresciaoggi, but currently works with "Il Giornale di Brescia." She has a longstanding experience in vast editorial sectors, acting as editor for digital magazines (Isola Illyon, Manga Forever, etc.) of the literary and cinematographic genre, up to ghostwriting. After obtaining her degree in Modern Literature at the Cattolica University, she achieved a Master's Degree in Digital Transformation at Digital Universitas. Her roles as copywriter and digital artist complete her experiential profile in the world of digital and web marketing.

My father used to say
(Elisa Erriu, Specimen containers and ravioli; Mario Mazzoleni, Family-run businesses; Elisa Erriu, The "Nannies"; Elisa Erriu, Organized chaos)
The eclectic company
(Elisa Erriu, Long live the engineers!; Elisa Erriu, It's not a Rocket Science!; Elisa Erriu, I just got this idea; Mario Mazzoleni, Innovation and innovation culture; Elisa Erriu, Macedonian Phalanx; Mario Mazzoleni, From structured organization to flexibility; Elisa Erriu, I am all of you; Mario Mazzoleni, Generational involvement)
Sky is the limit
(Elisa Erriu, The challenge; Mario Mazzoleni, The management of listening and inclusion; Elisa Erriu, Pocket multinationals; Mario Mazzoleni, Characteristics of pocket multinationals; Elisa Erriu, A smiling factory; Stefania Marcozzi, Organizational well-being; Elisa Erriu, The Triva way; Mario Mazzoleni, The digital revolution; Elisa Erriu, Stefania Triva, Giorgio Triva, Heart and head)
(Mario Mazzoleni, Summing up)

Collana: Università: economia

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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