Integrated Reporting: State of Play, Theoretical Underpinnings and Empirical Insights

Nicola Raimo

Integrated Reporting: State of Play, Theoretical Underpinnings and Empirical Insights

The Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms

In recent years, a newly-created corporate communication and value representation tool has emerged, capturing the attention of companies, standard setters, and academic literature. This tool, called Integrated Reporting (IR), aims to provide a holistic overview of business management by including financial and non-financial information in a single report. This book discusses the rise of IR and examines the academic literature in detail. This work also analyses the role of corporate governance mechanisms in correctly representing integrated information.

Pages: 140

ISBN: 9788835131625

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 365.1260

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 140

ISBN: 9788835132899

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 365.1260

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

In recent years, a newly-created corporate communication and value representation tool has emerged, capturing the attention of companies, standard setters, and academic literature. This tool, called Integrated Reporting (IR), has been developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and aims to provide a holistic overview of business management by including financial and non-financial information in a single report. This work discusses the rise of IR and examines the academic literature in detail to identify, firstly, the different aspects scholars have investigated on and, secondly, the different theoretical perspectives that have been used to frame the IR phenomenon. This work also analyses the role of corporate governance mechanisms in correctly representing integrated information. Results show a focus by researchers on numerous areas of interest related to IR and the use of different theoretical perspectives. Furthermore, they demonstrate a clear influence of some corporate governance mechanisms such as the board of directors, audit committee and corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee on IR policies.

Nicola Raimo
is a Research Fellow in Business Administration at the Department of Management, Finance and Technology of the LUM University, Casamassima (BA), Italy. He is also Professor of Managerial Accounting at the same university. He obtained his PhD from LUM University in 2021. In 2019 he was Visiting Scholar at the University of Salamanca in Spain. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the First Level one-year Master in 'Investor Relation & Financial Communication' of the LUM School of Management. His main research interests are: corporate social responsibility, integrated reporting, non-financial disclosure, intellectual capital, and digitalisation. He is the author of several published articles, serves as reviewer and is member of the editorial board of numerous international journals. He is also a member of Italian Society of Accounting and Business Administrations Scholars (SIDREA).

Filippo Vitolla, Preface
Isabel Maria Garcia Sanchez, Preface
The rise and contextualisation of integrated reporting
(Introductory notes; The rise of IR in international accounting and management studies; IR in Italian management thought; The origin and structure of the IIRC; IIRC Pilot Programme; The International IR Framework; Conclusions)
Integrated reporting: state of the art and future directions
(Introductory notes; Research Methodology; Classification; Topics; Discussion; Conclusions)
Theoretical perspectives on integrated reporting
(Introductory notes; Research Methodology; Theoretical Perspectives on IR; Discussion; Conclusions)
The effect of corporate governance mechanisms on the integrated reporting quality
(Introductory notes; Theoretical background and literature review; Hypotheses development; Research methodology; Results; Discussion; Conclusions)
Final remarks

Contributors: Isabel Maria Garcia Sanchez, Filippo Vitolla

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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