Journal of Community Psychology

2 issues per year, ISSN 1827-5249 , ISSNe 1971-842X

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 42.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 34.50

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The Journal aims to address, from the political perspective that characterizes the discipline of Community Psychology, human and social problems emerging in the different community settings (local communities, virtual communities, schools, political institutions, informal groups, volunteer organizations, self and mutual help, welfare, families, etc.), with an attention to the current scientific debate. It welcomes research studies (quantitative, qualitative), review, case studies, theoretical reflections, reports and evaluations of interventions and services (formal and informal) aimed at social change and building empowered communities, with an attention also to the international context. The owner of the Journal is the Italian Society of Community Psychology. No fee is required from the authors to publish their manuscript.

General editor: Elvira Cicognani (Università di Bologna), Cinzia Novara (Università degli Studi di Palermo), Fortuna Procentese (Università di Napoli Federico II).
Scientific board: Caterina Arcidiacono, Donatella Cavanna, David M. Chavis, Mauro Croce, Norma De Piccoli, Santo Di Nuovo, Donata Francescato, Silvia Gattino, Bianca Gelli, Caterina Gozzoli, Maria Isabel Hombrados Mendieta, Gioacchino Lavanco, Giovanna Leone, Terri Mannarini, Elena Marta, Elvio Raffaello Martini, Bruno Mazzara, Anna Maria Meneghini, Isabel Menezes, Mariagrazia Monaci, Patrizia Meringolo, Marisol Navas, Jim Orford, Patrizia Patrizi, Seth Pollack, Maura Pozzi, Isaac Prilleltensky, Ennio Ripamonti, Sergio Salvatore, Massimo Santinello, Fulvia Signani, Francisco Simoes, Christopher Sonn, Stefano Tartaglia, Wolfgang Stark, Alessio Vieno, Chiara Volpato, Bruna Zani, Adriano Zamperini, Cristina Zucchermaglio.
Editorial board: Cinzia Albanesi (Università di Bologna), Angela Fedi (Università degli Studi di Torino), Michela Lenzi (Università degli Studi di Padova), Daniela Marzana (Università Cattolica del S. Cuore di Milano), Minou Mebane (Università Telematica - Giustino Fortunato di Benevento).
Segreteria di redazione: Davide Boniforti (Metodi - Milano), Gabriele Prati (Università di Bologna).
Editorial office: Cinzia Novara (Università degli Studi di Palermo -


The Journal uses a double blind peer review process. Reviewers are chosen for their expertise. The article will be sent anonymously to reviewers to avoid possible influences due to the name of the author. The Editors, in coordination with the Editorial board, may decide not to submit the article to any referee in the case it is judged as not relevant, not rigorous or not meeting appropriate scientific standards. Reviewers' evaluations will be sent to the author also in case of negative response.

Referee anno 2019
Referee anno 2020

Editorial Guidelines
Licence agreement

Article Processing Charges & Fees

The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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The Journal is addressed to:</br> academics and scholars, professionals and practitioners (e.g. social workers, counsellors, etc.). The Journal may offer useful stimuli (at theoretical and methodological level) to expert professionals and practitioners in community psychology, as well as to those ones who are approaching this discipline and are interested in its innovative contributions to social and community intervention, young researchers. The Journal may offer young researchers useful information on methodological approaches and tools for community psychology interventions.

Issue 2/2017