A cura di: Giuseppe Zingale, Mattia Granata
An integrated service model for employment.
The case of the Milan AFOL Metropolitana
AFOL Metropolitana is one of the most important agencies operating in the management of employment policies in Lombardy. This volume re-creates the route that, through the integration of various public players operating on the territory of Milan, gave rise to AFOL Metropolitana. It also explains its current organisation and gives details on the services offered, highlighting its constant capacity to diversify them over time and innovate, precisely in order to keep step with the constant changes to the context in which AFOL Metropolitana operates.
Pages: 116
ISBN: 9788891789099
Edition: 1a edizione 2019
Publisher code: 1820.325
Availability: Discreta
Pages: 116
ISBN: 9788891798145
Edizione:1a edizione 2019
Publisher code: 1820.325
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions