An integrated service model for employment.

Afol Metropolitana

A cura di: Giuseppe Zingale, Mattia Granata

An integrated service model for employment.

The case of the Milan AFOL Metropolitana

AFOL Metropolitana is one of the most important agencies operating in the management of employment policies in Lombardy. This volume re-creates the route that, through the integration of various public players operating on the territory of Milan, gave rise to AFOL Metropolitana. It also explains its current organisation and gives details on the services offered, highlighting its constant capacity to diversify them over time and innovate, precisely in order to keep step with the constant changes to the context in which AFOL Metropolitana operates.

Pages: 116

ISBN: 9788891789099

Edition: 1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 1820.325

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 116

ISBN: 9788891798145

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 1820.325

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

AFOL Metropolitana is one of the most important agencies operating in the management of employment policies in Lombardy.
It offers a vast range of integrated services, which include employment policies, guidance policies and training policies, as well as actions in support of local development.
The offer is characterised not only by a considerable structure, but also by its constant capacity for innovation - its real hallmark.
This allows it to retain a first place position in a dynamic, complex context as indeed is that of the Metropolitan City of Milan, which in the last decade has witnessed first a prolonged period of crisis, which significantly impacted both employment and the local production structure, followed by an intense phase of recovery that has allowed Milan, well before the rest of the country, to return to its pre-crisis employment levels.
This volume re-creates the route that, through the integration of various public players operating on the territory of Milan, gave rise to AFOL Metropolitana. It also explains its current organisation and gives details on the services offered, highlighting its constant capacity to diversify them over time and innovate, precisely in order to keep step with the constant changes to the context in which AFOL Metropolitana operates.

Giuseppe Zingale
, appointed General Manager of AFOL Metropolitana after considerable experience accrued in employment services. He oversaw all the merger processes that led to the establishment of the entity. He has authored numerous publications, in collaboration with INPS and other authors, in particular about unemployment and contracts. He has held numerous positions in public entities.

Mattia Granata
, Deputy Chairman of AFOL Metropolitana (2014-2019). He lectures on Labour History at the University of Milan. He has held positions in both public and private entities, chairing the Study Centre of Lega Nazionale delle cooperative e mutue. His latest books include M. Granata, Smart Milan. Innovations from Expo to Expo (1906- 2015) (Springer, 2015) and, together with M. Bray, L'Economia sociale, una risposta alla crisi (Solaris, 2012).

Elena Buscemi, Presentation
Mattia Granata, Introduction. Roots and reasons of the "Milan model"
Tiziano Treu, The evolution of employment policies in Italy and the experience of Milan AFOL Metropolitana
(From the liberalisation of the employment market to Decree no. 150/2015; The contributions made by territorial practices to regulatory learning; The ANPAL and the governance of the employment market by State-Region conventions; The ANPAL action programmes and their implementation (monitoring); The integration of active and passive employment policies: re-employment benefits and the "job grant"; The Milan AFOL Metropolitana: strategic settings and new organization; Evolution of the structures and policies of the AFOL Metropolitana; Future challenges)
Giuseppe Zingale, From the AFOL to AFOL Metropolitana: legal nature and organisation
(Professional training consortia and job centres; Towards the integration of services: territorial AFOL; From the territorial AFOL to the AFOL Metropolitana; AFOL Metropolitana organisation and services)
The activities of AFOL Metropolitana amidst innovation and design, by AFOL Metropolitana
(AFOL Moda; Advanced training in AFOL Metropolitana: the case of design and visual arts; Catering: past experiences and future prospects; Creation of business, self-entrepreneurship and innovation: the AFOL Metropolitana services; Interventions in support of local development: the South-East Metropolitan Jobs Alliance; Interventions for the re-employment of workers in employment difficulty: from socially useful jobs (LSU) through to work experience; The Ricolloca-MI project; Social discomfort and active integration: the AFOL Metropolitana activities and services)
Authors and acknowledgments.

Contributors: Elena Buscemi, Tiziano Treu

Serie: Università: economia

Subjects: Labour Economics

Level: Scholarly Research

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