Fighting organised crime and mafia-type firms

Marco Bisogno, Giovanni Vaia

Fighting organised crime and mafia-type firms

The role of public administrations

This book provides an overview of main and updated academic and institutional definitions about crime organisations (macro-level) and mafia-type firms (micro-level), and the different theoretical perspectives through which these organisations and firms can be investigated. It combines studies focused on the economic, legal and social implications, with those based on a managerial perspective. Therefore, it offers insights about organisational characteristics, measurement methods, practices to fight the phenomenon, investigating the role of states and public-sector entities.

Pages: 136

ISBN: 9788835104230

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 390.1.4

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The dynamic nature of organised crime and its development, as in the case of the emergence of the so-called dark web and digital crimes, requests a continuous update about definitions and concepts, to avoid misunderstandings and overlapping. Moreover, measures to describe this complex phenomenon and remedies to fight against it have always been at the core of the public and private debate.
This book provides an overview of main and updated academic and institutional definitions about crime organisations (macro-level) and mafia-type firms (micro-level), and the different theoretical perspectives through which these organisations and firms can be investigated. Taking into account that there is a lack of research on these issues from a managerial perspective, this book combines studies which focus on the economic, legal and social implications, with those based on a managerial perspective. Therefore, it offers insights about organisational characteristics, measurement methods, practices to fight the phenomenon, investigating the role of governments and public administrations. The role of international organisations and non-profit organisations is also examined.

Marco Bisogno, PhD in Economia aziendale, is an associate professor in Accounting at the Department of Management & Innovation Systems of the University of Salerno, where he teaches Public sector accounting, Financial accounting and Financial reporting. He is a co-chair of the Task Force representing three research networks on public sector accounting, namely, IRSPM A&A SIG, CIGAR Network and EGPA PSG XII. His research interests include public sector accounting and financial management, international harmonisation, financial sustainability and earnings management in the public sector.

Giovanni Vaia, PhD in Organisation and Technology, is assistant professor with tenure at Ca' Foscari University Venice at the Department of Management, where he teaches Business administration, Digital management and Global sourcing. He is the founder and the scientific director of the Digital Enterprise Lab (DEL) at Ca' Foscari University, based on strong integration between ICT, strategy, organisation and innovation. Giovanni Vaia's interests include information systems, digital transformation and outsourcing.

Organised crime and mafia-type firms: an introduction
(Introduction; Definitions; Concepts related to organised crime; Concluding remarks)
Organised crime organisations: an overview
(Introduction; The Italian OCs; The Russian Mafiya; Mexican drug cartels; Chinese organised crime; The Japanese Yakuza; Other OCs and illegal activities; Organised crime, mafia and the internet age)
Mafia-type firms: a taxonomy
(Introduction; Mafia-type firm: definitions; Firm and mafia association; Mafia-type firm, market/business and competition; Characteristics of mafia-type firms)
Theoretical perspectives to investigate organised crime and mafia-type firms
(Do we need a theoretical perspective to investigate organized crime? A brief introductory note; A criminology and sociology perspective: the bureaucracy model; An economic perspective: the illegal enterprise model; An economic and political science perspective: the protection theory; An economic-sociology perspective: social embeddedness and network analysis; A managerial perspective: a proposal; Conclusions)
How to "measure" organised crime and mafia-type firms
(Introduction; Perception surveys; Experience surveys; Organised Crime Index; The realibility of methodologies used to measure OC; Economic and financial measures: a field study)
The role of public administrations to fight organized crime and mafia-type firms
(Introduction; Prevention; Protection; Prosecution; Partnership (Promote Cooperation); Publicity; The case of the Italian Agency: ANBSC; Conclusions)
Summary and conclusions

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