Surviving meetings

Marina Capizzi, Tiziano Capelli

Surviving meetings

An effective method for organising smart meetings that work well for people and business

Are you tired of meetings as they are? Would you like to get straight to the point, understand, solve, and finish them with good energy in your system? Then this book is for you. In this volume, we introduce you to TheMeetingCircle, a truly profitable method for organizing meetings in a fun way, turning them into smart meetings, through a few steps, achieving the greatest result with the least effort.

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9788835143840

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 1796.397

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9788835143857

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 1796.397

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Are you tired of "as-is" meetings? Would you like to get straight to the point, understand, solve, and finish them and still have some positive energy to spare? If so, then this book is for you. Today we have too many useless, continuous and often inconclusive meetings both in-person and online. Too many participants, excessive costs, wasted energy and opportunities: more effort than satisfaction...
Would you like to have just useful meetings, ones where the set goal is known beforehand and achieved in the defined timeframe? Would you like to come out of a meeting with more energy than when you walked in, and with the feeling that you and your colleagues are going to succeed, even better that you can even raise the bar?
For sure, it is not always easy to succeed. But it is possible: you need determination, a desire for well-being and a meaningful professional life, and also you need new tools that enable you to work differently. In this volume, we introduce you to TheMeetingCircle; a truly profitable method for organizing meetings, a method resulting from the most avant-garde developments in international organizations and with the contribution of neuro-science. The book contains a kit that will help you design meetings in a fun way, turning them into smart meetings in just a few steps: finalization, focus and flow, achieving the best result with the least effort, Psychological Safety.
However, we need to warn you beforehand. If you use TheMeetingCircle in your organization or with your team on a daily basis, your approach to problems and relationships among colleagues will also begin to change: you'll see both people and culture evolve.
The reason being that meetings can unite energies and intelligences together. And in doing so make the heart of the business pulsate.

Marina Capizzi, co-founder of PRIMATE Consulting (Benefit and BCorp Company), is also an organizational evolution consultant, executive coach, speaker. She has worked in many Consulting Companies and, together with CEOs, senior teams and HR, she develops diffused leadership projects to bring problems and solutions closer together, involving thou-sands of persons with frontier knowledge such as Neuroscience, Agile, Holacracy, Teal, to name but a few. Author of more than 50 management articles, she has written Il salto di qualità dei numeri uno (Gruppo24Ore) and the introductions to the Italian editions of Sense&Respond (J. Gothelf and J. Seiden, Harvard Business School Pr, 2017) and of Fearless Organizations (A. C. Edmondson, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2018).

Tiziano Capelli co-founder of PRIMATE Consulting (Benefit and BCorp Company), is a certified Scrum master coach and has worked extensively as a manager and consultant to banks and retail companies. He has edited the Italian editions and has written the introductions of Sense&Respond (J. Gothelf and J. Seiden, Harvard Business School Pr, 2017) and Fearless Organizations (A. C. Edmondson, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2018). He works to foster evolution in organizations, enhance people's skills and competencies and build places that are rich in meaning and beauty. He is convinced that people are always essential to business and its development, because business is nothing more than the ability to understand a need and know how to respond to it.

Meetings are the mirror of organizations
The Meeting Circle: The Kit
(Rules; MeetingRadar (Kit); Supports; Circles)
Meetings & Neuroscience.

Serie: Trend

Subjects: Problem Solving, Decision Making - Managerial Development - Team, Group Work

Level: Personal Development and Self-Help

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