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Territorio within the DIAP communication project
The rich series of articles, essays and reports present in the contents of the collection already available on the Diap website ( www.diap.polimi.it ) and soon to be also consultable in the Planum database of journals ( www.planum.net ), clearly illustrate its history.
The journal Territorio now has a long history. Since 1988 it has accompanied the various stages in the life of the department. It has adapted over the years to best interpret internal and external conditions but has always maintained a basic continuity. This history is clearly illustrated in the rich series of articles, essays and reports present in the collection already available on the DIAP website ( www.diap.polimi.it ) and soon to be consultable in the Planum database of journals ( www.planum.net ).
While Territorio has its own academic identity, it also aspires to a broader readership, an audience of people outside of the university who work in urban and regional planning and governance. Decisions have been made concerning the journal's management structure and editorial processes, in order to maintain its high quality, broaden its readership, and build a national and international communication network. The journal now has a deputy director to provide the continuous attention required by a complex publication. Francesco Infussi holds this position assisted by various management bodies, each with its own complementary duties.
These bodies include a renewed departmental Publishing Committee, as well as an International Academic Committee and an Academic Editorial Staff. The Publishing Committee is responsible for the department's communication strategies and sets policies for the different initiatives (journal, books, website) and the way many specific events (conventions, seminars, workshops, etc.) are publicised. One important aspect of this new management is that Territorio has been incorporated into a communication project which makes use of other media, starting with a website (with an academic editor Rossella Salerno), which will replace the current site and give ample space to the various activities of lecturers, research fellows and doctorate students. The creation of a strong International Academic Committee, consisting of colleagues from different disciplinary and geographical areas and belonging to prestigious universities with which the polytechnic co-operates on a permanent basis, provides the opportunity for discussions over a range of subjects and for co-operation at a high level. Another decision related to the policy of internationalising the Diap included the introduction of a double blind review of the articles published and of the abstracts in English. It also seemed indispensible in this respect to create a large team of researchers to undertake academic editorial work alongside the traditional editorial staff.

General editor: Bertrando Bonfantini
Vice-editro: Luigi Spinelli
International scientific board: Werner Bätzing (Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany); Marc Bonneville (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France); Peter C. Bosselmann (University of California-Berkeley, Usa); Ingrid Breckner (Hafen City Universität, Germany); Mario Carpo (Ecole Nationale Supérieure, Paris La Villette, France); Jo Coenen (TU Delft, The Netherlands); Nuno Portas (Universitade do Porto, Portogallo); Frederick Steiner (University of Texas at Austin, Usa); Ferran Sagarra Trias (Etsab, Barcelona, Spain); Lu Yongyi (Caup, Tongji University, Shanghai, Cina)
Editorial scientific board: Paola Briata, Maria Antonietta Clerici, Giuliana Costa, Cassandra Cozza, Giovanna D’Amia, Stefano Di Vita, Pierfranco Galliani, Elena Marchigiani, Laura Montedoro, Eugenio Morello, Daniele Villa
Technical editrors: Cristina Bergo
Graphic project: 46xy Studio

Technical Editorial:Cristina Bergo. La corrispondenza alla direzione e alla redazione va indirizzata presso il Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani del Politecnico di Milano, via Bonardi 3, 20133 Milano (mail: rivista-territorio@polimi.it)

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ANVUR scientific journal :Area 8, Area 10 , Area 13, Area 14
Classified in Class A by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in: Civil Engineering and Architecture, industry and Territorial Planning and Urban Design<7br>
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The circulation of the journal is intended to enhance the impact in the academic community, the world of applied research and representative institutions.

Issue 87/2018